Examinando por Materia "Storytelling"
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Ítem Estudio acerca del uso que las marcas de moda en Medellín, Colombia hacen de la técnica del Storytelling a través de Instagram y recomendaciones para emplearlo efectivamente(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Moreno Gómez, Camila; Acevedo Mejía, Erika Cristina; Escobar Escobar, Ana CristinaWith the general objective of establishing recommendations so that fashion brands in Medellín, Colombia, can effectively incorporate Storytelling into their Instagram accounts, this research began by determining the relevance of said social network for fashion brands’ communications. Then, it was identified which fashion brands in Medellín effectively use Storytelling in their Instagram profiles. In addition, the content published in the Instagram profiles of some brands in this city were analyzed, to study how they use Storytelling. To achieve the general and specific objectives of the research, qualitative methods of data collection and analysis were used. Although multiple studies have been carried out on the benefits of the use of Storytelling by brands, others that have focused on the use of Storytelling through social networks, and a few others that have done so with an emphasis on fashion brands, there is still a research gap regarding the use of Storytelling by fashion brands in Medellín, through Instagram. This study aims to analyze this issue in the city of Medellín.Ítem Lecciones aprendidas del proyecto Parques del Río Medellín(2018) Vélez Duque, Carolina; Henao Cálad, MónicaSince 1999, Medellín’s city planning has been oriented towards a compact city model -- However, after 20 years, the model remains unconcluded -- The Parques del Río project arises in response to this problem, thus, the execution of the first stage of the project, in the center of the city, is part of a long-term urban renewal strategy -- During mayor Aníbal Gaviria’s term, a team of professionals is gathered to, within four years, formulate and successfully execute the first section of the project; an infrastructure enterprise never seen in the history of Medellín -- Despite this, the following mayor dismantles the team created to execute the project -- The team dissolution once a project ends is one of the main problems in project knowledge management -- Consequently, the knowledge generated during the execution of the project is lost -- This hinders the replication of successful practices in new projects and consolidates the tendency to repeat the same mistakes -- Storytelling to share knowledge (Denning, 2005) is a strategy that enables the collection of knowledge of high complexity through a vehicle familiar to every human being: stories -- Thanks to these, the double function of documenting and transferring knowledge from one project to another is carried out -- The anecdotes related by the participants of a project contain explanations rich in content, good practices and lessons learned -- In addition, it allows the listener to easily understand the transmitted content and remember it easily in the future -- In order to apply the above, this research reconstructs the story of the Parques del Río Medellín project and recovers good practices and lessons learned for future application in similar projectsÍtem El marketing como medio para la construcción de narrativas : una revisión de literatura sobre el storytelling(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) García Arismendy, Catherine; Uribe Ochoa, BeatrizÍtem Marketing de contenidos para fidelizar el público de independientes de Comfama en Medellín(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Cañas Arango, Carolina María; Castaño Toro, Perla CeciliaThrough this work it was sought to propose content marketing strategies to retain the independent public of Comfama in Medellín, through communications and formats that would establish a connection with users as well as strengthen long-term relationships was . For this reason, it was important to delve into issues such as services and the importance of having the consumer at the center of the strategy, marketing of services that allows the interactions and contact points with users to be mapped, loyalty where strategies are generated that seek to strengthen the relationship with customers generating greater engagement, content marketing where it is sought through valuable information to reach users with the necessary content according to their segmentation and predominant characteristics. To achieve the objective, qualitative methodologies were used such as in-depth surveys that allowed identifying demographic characteristics, finding preferences and tastes of the independent having a greater affinity with formats such as video and images; furthermore, a high use and acceptance of social networks, media that they enable communication and allow establishing a two-way relationship with users. It was also evidenced that currently users are willing to receive information, the great challenge is to maintain constant communication with them, allowing them to arrive with topics, formats and media of their choice, in order to generate greater engagement and strengthen the relationship in the long-term.Ítem Modelo de negocio ecoturístico Mango Soul Hostel(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Correa Agudelo, David Fernando; Henao Cálad, MónicaEn este trabajo se presenta un novedoso modelo de negocio ecoturístico, denominado Mango Soul Hostel, para implementarse en la zona de Punta Bolívar, municipio de San Antero, departamento de Córdoba -- El proyecto podría consolidarse con base en estrategias propias del mercadeo experiencial (sentir, percibir, actuar, relacionarse y pensar) y de los módulos experienciales estratégicos de mercadeo (sensorial, de sentimientos, de pensamientos, de actuaciones y de relaciones) en un lugar que como pocos en la costa Caribe colombiana cumple las características propias de ecoturismo dirigido en especial a huéspedes extranjeros -- Se aprovecharon las experiencias nacionales e internacionales para desarrollar un plan estratégico de mercadeo apropiado para así generarle valor agregado, con base en dos pilares fundamentales como son el acertado gerenciamiento del talento humano y el buen uso de la sensibilidad intercultural -- El proyecto tiene un fuerte compromiso social para coadyuvar al desarrollo de las comunidades nativas aledañas mediante la elevación de su nivel de vida e impulsaría el ecoturismo en la zona -- El entorno geográfico y demográfico hace que la propuesta sea una opción atractiva para el huésped extranjero cuando selecciona un destino turístico no masivo para vacacionar en Colombia -- La promoción se basa en modelos vanguardistas de mercadeo que potencien la interacción entre cliente y negocio en el sector ecoturísticoÍtem La narración de historias, una técnica para registrar conocimientos de la maestría en Gerencia de la Innovación y el Conocimiento de la Universidad Eafit(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Arbeláez Vélez, Camilo; Henao Cálad, MónicaFor six years, 2014, the Master in Innovation and Knowledge Management of EAFIT University has been consolidating itself as a newfangled program. The master has achieved good reception and their impact on students, teachers and graduates is evident; it has transformed their lives and has valued the organizations in which they work. One of the missions of the program has been to imply that knowledge is one of the main assets of modern organizations. Under that premise, it has become interesting to investigate how internally the master has managed knowledge. What knowledge and learning have emerged from these six years of history and how could they be collected? This paper addresses these questions from the narrative technique and the storytelling strategy. By adapting the guidelines of who is considered the main reference of the subject, the application of this strategy gives as a result seven individual stories where main actors are different members of the master's community. Together, these stories manage to tell the knowledge acquired over time, expose the idea of the program and show the identity of their community. An investigation that serves to complement the institutional information of the master and that can also be used as a model for future applications in other scenarios.Ítem La salsa y los factores que influyen en la experiencia de marca: Medellín en su salsa, caso de estudio: Bar Son Havana(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Rodríguez Aponte, Nathalia; Muñoz Molina, Yaromir; Saldarriaga Sierra, Adriana MarcelaThe main objective of this research is to identify the factors that influence the brand experience of consumers at Bar Son Havana in the city of Medellin -- For this, the application of different models proposed by authors such as Aaker, Costa, Kotler and Keller, Keller, and Jung, among others, was taken into account, which helped to find the variables that customers value in the bar and the aspects that determine the meaning and significance of the experience. The methodology used is qualitative, and semi structured interviews and participatory observation were used as tools -- In the same way, this information was triangulated with bibliographic references and with deepening studies related to this topic -- As a result, it was found that the market and the ecosystem are influenced by aspects of brand identity defined by the bar, such as personality, benefits, attributes and values; in turn, the relationship of familiarity and the appropriation of the style of the bar with the characteristics of the segment -- Finally, this research reveals that there are currently few marketing studies that analyze the category of night establishments related to salsa; therefore, it is considered important to propose more research on this subject, since the market is in a permanent boom, and over the years the genre has had interesting developments in the city