Examinando por Materia "Startup"
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Ítem Aceleradoras corporativas exitosas (contexto latinoamericano) : análisis de los modelos, capacidades estratégicas y recursos claves, en una región con desafíos y complejidades propias. Un estudio de mercado emergente(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gómez Jiménez, Sara; Hincapie Romero, Katherine; Betancur Álvarez, José AlejandroThis research intends to explore the corporate acceleration models of leading companies in Latin America. The study of these cases seeks to increase readers' understanding of the strategy, approach and strategic capabilities that are making these corporate accelerators successful and sustainable amid Latin American market particularities. This business research was developed under a qualitative research framework, using semi-structured interviews and secondary information such as documents, presentations, and reports of the analyzed companies. The study was divided into four fundamental phases in the research process and had a scope in the Latin American region, taking Mexico, Brazil, Chile, and Colombia as reference countries. The main results of this analysis present a general characterization of the accelerators analyzed and make an exhaustive review of their way of working with special emphasis on their main unique differentials. It is expected that these results will contribute to those corporations that want to implement their acceleration model, and also to those companies that already have an acceleration model implemented and want to reference it in order to find possible opportunities for improvement. In addition, this document contributes to knowledge generation for future research and the development of a new methodology to improve the quality of corporate acceleration models.Ítem Análisis de las formas de organizarse de las startups tecnológicas de Colombia y su relación con el comportamiento en ventas y el clima laboral(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Castrillón Vásquez, Sara; Atehortúa Valencia, Daniel; Uribe de Correa, Beatriz Amparo; Rozo Villegas, AlejandroThis work shows the organizing forms of technological startups of Colombia; that is, it tells the solutions that these companies have used to solve some of the universal problems that organizations face (assignment of tasks and roles). In such an assignment process, it is understood that employees normally have different formally assigned tasks and roles. However, there are also other types of activities that are framed within the informal and that determine their day-to-day functions. The growth in sales in recent years that startups have had will also be analyzed and the state of the work environment will be determined to understand if the forms of organizing of these companies have any impact on the results of the factors mentioned above.Ítem Análisis de una técnica cuantitativa en el sector fintech colombiano para la evaluación de inversión(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Balmaceda Mosquera, Edwin Alberto; Durango Gutiérrez, María PatriciaThis research aims to structure a model to assess startups, with a focus on Financial Technology or FinTech, which refers to the use of technology and innovation, applied to the transformation of traditional financial services and the creation of new experiences for finance at the service of consumers. These business initiatives play an important role in the country's economy, but they have substantial differences with traditional companies, because they are technology-based companies, and therefore have exponential growth. The valuation of these companies differs in relation to other ventures or traditional companies. The different methods used to prepare valuations are applicable to companies with a track record, which have historical financial information; but for companies in the early stage of financing (Start Up) or ventures, it is necessary to use other types of methods that are less dependent on historical information. The valuations of these companies are important because their strategic value or their real value can be estimated, according to the analysis of the financial statements; for this reason, it is a useful tool for conducting negotiations or finding new investors (Moscoso & Botero, 2013).Ítem El conocimiento organizacional en emprendimientos de base tecnológica : una exploración de los conocimientos organizacionales críticos para aumentar la probabilidad de éxito(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Pérez Marulanda, Juan Camilo; Díez Gaviria, Ana CeciliaÍtem Diseño de un plan de negocio para una empresa prestadora de servicios profesionales en seguridad y salud en el trabajo(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Duque Morales, Jairo; Cadavid González, César Augusto; Henao Cálad, MónicaThe purpose of this document is to "Propose a business plan for a new company that intends to take advantage of a business opportunity identified in the market". While studying the theoretical framework regarding the administration and development of enterprises, the author finds three different but compatible aspects. The first aspect focuses its discourse on the importance of research and planning, promotes the development of enterprises around a business plan, the result of a deep and well justified market research. The second aspect identified, proclaims that the enterprises can make use of the concepts of strategic management, the latter are not exclusive of large companies, on the contrary defends that they are equally practical in large companies, small businesses and even start-ups. Finally, a third aspect takes the ideas of design thinking, and develops creative methodologies such as "lean startup" and "client development" to manage the first chaotic stages that identify the ventures. The author seeks to integrate the best of the three aspects, presents the basic concepts of strategic management, the functionality of business plans and integrates them in the methodologies of experimentation based on Design thinking. At the end, the author proposes an integrated methodology that serves as a roadmap for entrepreneurs, which allows developing a business idea, validating in the market, and improving in a constant learning cycle, until completing a repeatable and scalable business plan.Ítem Diseño y análisis de viabilidad de un modelo de negocio bajo la metodología Lean Canvas para una asociación mutual patrocinada por el Fondo de Empleados de ISA (FEISA)(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Torres Mateus, Nelson David; Ortega Álvarez, Ana MaríaThis work is carried out as a fundamental part of the feasibility analysis of a solidarity entity sponsored by the Fondo de Empleados de ISA (FEISA), whose objective is to meet the current and future needs of its associates, relatives of its associates, contractors of companies linked to the fund and the general public interested in belonging to this entity that is referred by an associate affiliated the entity and that meets the requirements to belong to it. In the first part, the main causes for which entrepreneurships fail in Colombia are analyzed, and it is detected in some of the most recent studies that the lack of a business model is one of the main causes of these failures. Based on this finding, a rigorous analysis of the literature is carried out on some of the current methodologies most used for the design and validation of business models, finding that the Lean Canvas methodology is the most used for startups, since it has greater advantages compared to the other alternatives analyzed and the most appropriate to use in the current stage of this project. With the first hypotheses made by the management team of the entity, a first business model is designed with the Lean Canvas methodology, and it is validated through an applied, quantitative, descriptive, programmatic market research from primary and secondary sources, transversal, and Non-experimental carried out through a survey that shows that the business model for the entity is viable and there is an important interest of the target audience to affiliate. The name of the entity that will be known as the MiMu Familias Solidarias mutual association is created; in addition, in the final part of the work the products and services with which MiMu Familias Solidarias can start providing its services are displayed.Ítem Estudio de previabilidad para la creación de una startup de domótica en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Gómez Angel, Ricardo; Díez Benjumea, Jhon MiguelThe objective of this work is to evaluate the prefeasibility of the project to create an startup in Colombia aimed at developing tailored and low-cost home automation solutions. With the study it is expected to obtain data that can make a decision regarding the most successful investment. For the work, the UNIDO methodology described in the Manual for the preparation of industrial feasibility studies was carried out.