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Ítem Aplicación del mercadeo interno en empresas de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Granada Salazar, Daniela; Ramírez Correa, Juan David; Muñoz Molina, YaromirThis descriptive exploratory qualitative study aims to analyze the internal marketing strategies applied by five companies that have activity in Medellín such as Pintuco, Bavaria, Alquería, Servicios Nutresa and Argos, to consolidate a unique value-added offer, to achieve high standards of competitiveness and to develop profitability and sustainability -- The document describes a conceptual review of the topic, based on the exploration of the theoretical background, obtained from research articles indexed to scientific databases and related bibliography, to understand the variables internal marketing, internal clients and internal communication, and determine how these elements are interrelated to give rise to strategies that manage job satisfaction, corporate cohesion, sense of belonging and organizational culture -- Research includes a consideration of stakeholders that can be problematic when implementing internal marketing -- That is why it is established that outsourced workers, trade unions and workers resistant to change, are foci on which to work with special effortÍtem El derecho de negociación colectiva en la administración pública(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Mejía Uribe, Andrea; Cortés Jaramillo, Pamela; Peláez Gómez, Fredy AlonsoÍtem La infancia jurídica del acoso laboral(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Urzola Hernández, Jheison Alberto; Uribe de Correa, Beatríz Amparo; López Gallego, Francisco