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Ítem Adultos mayores : hacia una población empoderada para protegerse frente a ciberdelitos(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Vera Sepúlveda, Silvia; Monsalve Palacio, María Andrea; Romero Restrepo, Tamara; Peláez Jaramillo, Sergio; Cardenas Niño, LucilaÍtem Análisis de costo mínimo de inversión de pequeñas y medianas empresas para protegerse de la principal amenaza de ciberseguridad en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Manrique, Karen Andrea; Mora Cuartas, Andrés MauricioÍtem Análisis de seguridad de XSS, SQL Injection y CSRF en Laravel, Django, Express y Spring(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Ramos Mena, Ángel Eduardo; Correa Botero, Daniel; Vallejo Correa, Paola AndreaThe development of technological applications has constantly been evolving to provide a better experience for users, as it can ensure their security to avoid specific threats that could interfere with their actual operation. Despite the efforts, internal and external security threats are present, which is why it is necessary to take all possible precautions to respond to them. Currently, web application frameworks (Web Application Frameworks - WAF) facilitate development and enhance security in web applications. In this work, we focus on how the WAFs Laravel, Express, Spring, and Django, provide mechanisms to implement security in web applications. An application was developed with the MVC (Model - View - Controller) architecture pattern in each of the selected WAFs. Cross-Site Scripting, SQL Injection, and Cross-Site Request Forgery hacking techniques were chosen to alter the applications in an unauthorized manner. These techniques were used to observe how applications can be breached. We also analyzed how prepared WAFs are to deal with these techniques, what rules they incorporate to ensure adequate protection, and how risk can be minimized to make development in a specific WAF more secure.Ítem Análisis de viabilidad de un modelo de pago electrónico con dispositivo registrado(Universidad EAFIT, 2011) Cerón Gómez, Jorge Luis; Rincón Bermúdez, Rafael DavidÍtem Características de la cultura de ciberseguridad en fintech colombianas(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Vargas Molina, Camilo; Uribe Orrego, Andrés Felipe; Manrique Tisnés, HoracioÍtem Decodificando el ataque key reinstallation attacks (kracks) en redes wifi coon wpa2(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Yépez Crow, Hugo Santiago; Lalinde Pulido, Juan GuillermoÍtem Detección de puntos y tiempos de robo de información de tarjetas de crédito en comercio electrónico(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Velásquez Moná, Karen Lizeth; Almonacid Hurtado, Paula María; García Cruz, Ehidy Karime; López Rojas, EdgarÍtem Estado del arte de pruebas de Bases de Datos para la migración y validación de datos(Universidad EAFIT, 2007) González Lau, Consuelo Inés; Aristizábal Moreno, Carolina; Rincón Bermúdez, Rafael DavidEl objetivo principal de este proyecto de grado es la identificación de las pruebas de Bases de Datos para la Migración y Validación de Datos en el entorno de las tecnologías de información en Colombia en la actualidad; también se realizará un análisis comparativo con lo que están realizando a nivel internacional algunas de las empresas lideres y firmas consultoras que se encuentran involucradas en el tema de las bases de datos y la migración de datos -- Se inicia identificando en primera instancia los orígenes o razones por las cuales se llevan a cabo las migraciones de datos y los problemas a los cuales se enfrentan y las razones por las cuales se presentan dichos problemas -- El propósito es poder identificar de qué manera las pruebas para las migraciones y validaciones de datos pueden ayudar a reducir las probabilidades de ocurrencia de dichos problemas, para el beneficio no solo de proyecto como tal, sino de la empresa también -- De igual manera, se analizarán las herramientas empleadas y la influencia que pueden tener a la hora de realizar las pruebas -- Este proyecto no está orientado simplemente a la identificación de procesos y pruebas, sino también al reconocimiento de la importancia que los datos tienen para las decisiones en las organizaciones y el impacto que una buena calidad de los mismos tiene -- Por ello, también es importante identificar aspectos que rodean el tema, tales como los datos en primera instancia, las bases de datos, la migración y la validación, la calidad de datos y las pruebasÍtem Estudio sobre la seguridad de la información en las organizaciones del área metropolitana de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2006) Casas Jiménez, Liliana; Rincón Bermúdez, Rafael DavidÍtem La gestión de riesgos cibernéticos : la perspectiva de los tomadores de decisiones(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Pabón Noreña, Gloria Cristina; Palacio Henao, Claudia Marcela; Manrique Tisnés, HoracioÍtem Herramienta informática basada en ontologías para la clasificación automática de información de seguridad(Universidad EAFIT, 2005) Vargas Montoya, Héctor Fernando; Lalinde Pulido, Juan GuillermoÍtem Impacto de la Ley Sarbanes-Oxley a la seguridad de los sistemas de TI(Universidad EAFIT, 2008) Jaramillo, Juan Fernando; Campuzano Vallejo, Santiago; Zuluaga, Diego AndrésLos graves escándalos financieros descubiertos a principios de este siglo, protagonizados algunas compañías norteamericanas, especialmente Enron, WorldCom y Tyco International, provocaron que el gobierno y el congreso de los Estados Unidos promulgaran una ley, conocida como la Ley Sarbanes-Oxley -- Ésta está dividida en 11 capítulos que describen mandatos específicos sobre temas tales como responsabilidad corporativa, fraude financiero, mejoras en los reportes financieros, el comité de supervisión de contadores, independencia de los auditores, entre otros -- El impacto de ésta ley sobre todos los aspectos de una compañía ha sido enorme, desde el área de contabilidad, pasando por auditoría, finanzas, área de TI, etc. En mayor o menor medida, la ley impacta todas las áreas de la organización, pero es de especial atención para este trabajo, detallar el impacto que la ley tiene sobre el área de TI, su seguridad y cada uno de los aspectos detallados de los sistemas de información corporativos y de la plataforma tecnológica que los soporta -- Las compañías colombianas no son la excepción a éste impacto, ya que algunas de ésas han decidido entrar a cotizar a las bolsas de USA, o piensan hacerlo en un corto o mediano plazoÍtem Integración de la gestión de seguridad cibernética a la gestión de riesgo empresarial(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Romo Arango, Eliana Patricia; Corrales Estrada, Ana MaríaWith technological advances come new forms of crime associated with cyberspace, which increases the need to manage the associated cyber risks. This research pursued to delve into aspects that contribute to the integration of cybersecurity with the already well-established business risk management. To do this, a literature review about Cybersecurity Management, Cyber Risks and Business Risk Management was carried out; additionally, the case analysis method was used, with a sample composed by four companies from Financial Sector, with presence in Latin-America. It was observed that the integration largely depends on the support from senior management profiles for enabling strategies and resources; additionally, on the knowledge that companies absorb from the environment to implement good methodological and operational practices; and from behavior of people against threats and risks. It was concluded to have a proper integration between Cybersecurity Management and Business Risk Management, initiatives supported from the highest management profiles of the organization are required, which need to be implemented at all levels, including topics such as culture, knowledge, methodologies, tools, roles and responsibilities.Ítem Megatendencias que generan riesgos estratégicos en una empresa de tercerización de tecnología (ITO)(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Céspedes Rico, Andrea; Parra Hernandez, Anyery Yohana; Montoya Londoño, Carlos AlbertoThis study has been developed to prioritize the megatrends that may generate strategic risks in a technology outsourcing company (ITO). This company, being in a sector of constant evolution and change, is of interest for an understanding of how strategy is formed. The study was conducted, in part, by taking into consideration the megatrends identified by international consulting firms such as Deloitte and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), together with those reported by The Global Risks Report of the World Economic Forum (Collins, 2918; Marsh & McLennan Companies, Zurich Insurance Group & World Economic Forum, 2019). These sources are relevant as they produce annual reports which include an evaluation of the external environment through the study of different types of companies, together with the evaluation of different sectors. In order to identify the megatrends and to recognize the strategic risks that influence the company's case study, six semi-structured interviews were carried out with company executives. In order to select participants, the experience of each executive was taken into account, both in the formulation of the company's strategy and in the identification of strategic risks and evaluation of the external context. The study concludes that the most influential megatrend for a technology outsourcing Company (ITO) is hyperconnectivity, as this is associated with quantity of information and ease of access to that information. As a result, one of the greatest strategic risks that this type of company has to face is in guaranteeing the security of the data it holds or the data that can be accessed through its servicesÍtem Metodología para cuantificar las pérdidas económicas y financieras de una empresa, tanto a nivel nacional o internacional, cuando es afectada por ciberataques o ataques informáticos(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Atencia Urueta, Víctor Rafael; Lalinde Pulido, Juan GuillermoIn this work, the direct financial, economic and reputational costs incurred by a company when affected by cyberattacks were examined, for which a methodology supported by international standards on cybersecurity was created or structured. The proposed methodology allows supporting companies, governments, judges and insurance companies, to quantify the economic, administrative, commercial, financial and reputational losses incurred by a company in any country, when being a victim of cyberattacks in its operations, services, infrastructure and / or reputation. The importance and relevance of this work is based on what has been occurring in cybersociety in the current times of pandemic and post-pandemic by covid-19, where online work, work at home, electronic businesses, learning on line, e-Banking, industry 4.0 services, and in general, the entire digital transformation of companies is here to stay as a necessity or mandatory requirement, in society and continue to generate value and produce in companies. This business and institutional digital transformation comes with a number of services, which facilitate the development of productive activities, but also increase vulnerability to computer attacks or cyberattacks against companies, organizations, private and governmental institutions worldwide. Such attacks greatly affect the resources, the economy, the finances and the entire value of companies and nations.Ítem El panorama legal del comercio electrónico y algunos de sus riesgos : estudio preliminar(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Castrillón González, Valentina; Restrepo Martinez, Manuela; Toro Valencia, José AlbertoDue to the alarming rate in which the use of Internet and digital platforms is being implemented in day to day basis this thesis aims to make a compilation of information about e-commerce, focusing in analyzing the legal risks associated with the use of new technologies and digital platforms in Colombia, concretely, the risks related with domain names in the internet, trademark infringement and passing off in the internet and the electronic fraud and identity usurpation in electronic documents. The first chapter will be an introduction and a definition of the concept of e-commerce, its history, the types of ecommerce and the processes involving its use. In a second chapter a recompilation of the international and local legal framework of e-commerce will be developed, therefore a legislative analysis on e-commerce law. Will be explained; In a third chapter we will proceed to realize the introduction and analysis of each risk and the ways these can be mitigated, ending with a conclusion.Ítem Phishing: la automatización de la ingeniería social(Universidad EAFIT, 2007) Salazar Aristizábal, Natalia Andrea; González Arango, Marcela; Lalinde Pulido, Juan GuillermoEl presente trabajo contiene una recopilación de la información que presentan algunos bancos tanto nacionales como internacionales con respecto a Seguridad Informática más concretamente “Ingeniería social: Phishing”, un tema que tiene gran auge en la actualidad por la incidencia en la red y las consecuencias negativas que ha presentado sobre los usuarios de los diferentes entidades financieras -- Finalmente se presentan a los usuarios del Internet unos tips generales de cómo evitar este tipo de fraudesÍtem Plan de negocios para la oferta de servicios autogestionados de ciberseguridad de la empresa NULL Group S.A.S.(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Correa Isaza, Daniel Guillermo; Salazar Gómez, Francisco Javier; Uribe de Correa, Beatriz AmparoThe privacy and information security of individuals and organizations face one of the greatest challenges of all time: threats that unfold in a vast and complex digital world that, technically, is poorly understood, and where the materialization of a cyber-risk is impending. In this degree paper, a business plan for the cyber-security service is developed that allows people and organizations to help mitigate cyber threats in the real world, in an automated, periodic, and self-managed way by the consumer. This degree project develops a business plan for the cyber-security service offered by the company NULL Group SAS (a simplified joint stock company), which will allow people and organizations to help combat cyber threats in the real world in an automated, periodic and self-managed by the consumer. The business plan contains the company's strategy, the description of the service, the analysis of the market and industry, the marketing strategy and the operational plan, which will show the internal strengths and external opportunities that make this service attractive for investors.Ítem Prototipo del sistema de mentoría virtual para docentes del Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad Eafit(Universidad EAFIT, 2008) Hurtado Jaramillo, Luisa Fernanda; Gallo Vargas, Ana Sofia; Trujillo Vargas, John Antonio; Pabón Ramírez, CarolinaÍtem La seguridad de tecnología de la información (TI) como una variable de la cultura organizacional(Universidad EAFIT, 2009) Baena Cano, Víctor Manuel; Restrepo Orrego, Luis Giovanni