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Ítem Alternativas de asociatividad territorial para la subregión del Oriente Antioqueño : análisis de viabilidad frente a la implementación de nuevos esquemas de integración en el Valle de San Nicolás(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Zuluaga Rivillas, Carlos Andrés; Ramos Villa, María EugeniaThe present paper focuses on analyzing the keys to territorial associativity among the municipalities of the Eastern Antioquia subregion, especially those located in the Altiplano area, or also called the San Nicolás Valley, namely: Rionegro, La Ceja del Tambo, El Retiro, La Unión, El Carmen de Viboral, Guarne, San Vicente Ferrer, Marinilla and El Santuario. Within these keys, an attempt will be made to understand the successes and failures of these integration dynamics, making an analysis of the characteristics of the schemes that today are formed and in which these municipalities are associated. Three new integration alternatives are proposed to can be explored in the subregion; one of them, a scheme that has already been debated without materializing, such as the initiative to create a Metropolitan Area in the Eastern subregion; in addition, this paper proposes the exploration of figures that have not yet been discussed within this scenario, such as the possibility of creating a Planning and Management Region (RPG for its acronym in Spanish), or creating a special regime figure that resembles the newly created Metropolitan Region of Bogotá. On each one, a feasibility analysis will be carried out both from the legal point of view -according with the content of the Colombian legal system- and from the political point of view, since the formation of a Territorial Associative Scheme depends largely of the will of the decision makers.