Examinando por Materia "Protocolo de familia"
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Ítem Un análisis societario mediante el cual se determina la validez y protección del protocolo de familia, dentro de una sociedad de familia y del ordenamiento jurídico colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2016-10) Pérez Ramírez, Camila; Arboleda Jaramillo, LauraÍtem La estructura, el funcionamiento y los instrumentos que deben regular las empresas de familia, para garantizar su continuidad en el tiempo(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Restrepo Luján, Mariana; Arango Espinal, MónicaFamily Companies in Colombia, and in many other countries, are considered as great drivers of the economy and development. For this reason, their subsistence in time is essential. This writing seeks to analyze Family Companies in terms of their composition and structure, their main characteristics and their operation. It seeks to identify the main conflicts that arise between corporate and family bodies, within Family Companies and the main mechanisms to prevent and resolve such conflicts. With this analysis, this writing intendeds to expose the great importance that Family Companies have in the Colombian economy, since a large part of it depends on them. Their subsistence is absolutely necessary for the progress and economic growth of the country.Ítem Plan de sucesión y continuidad del negocio para Co & Tex S.A.S(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Pineda Jaramillo, Vanessa; Betancur Hurtado, Carlos MarioÍtem Protocolo de familia como alternativa de relevo generacional en la empresa Hermanos Serna Aristizábal(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Serna Cárdenas, David; Mora Cuartas, Andrés Mauricio