Examinando por Materia "Portafolios"
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Ítem ¿Los activos de inversión con criterios ASG generan valor para el inversionista? evidencia a partir de ETF(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Hoyos, Jonathan Camilo; Restrepo Ochoa, Diana ConstanzaÍtem Aplicabilidad del Modelo Fama-French en el Mercado MILA(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Trujillo Gómez, Juan Diego; Vélez Morales, Philip; Botero, Juan CarlosMILA is the Latin American Integrated Market for securities created in 2009 originally by Perú, Chile and Colombia to which Mexico joined in 2014. Due to its importance, it is necessary to have models that allow a more efficient estimation of the return on assets and generate greater assertiveness in investment decision-making by portfolio managers. This paper presents generalities of both, the MILA market and the submarkets that compose it, and seeks, in the first place, to determine the applicability of the Fama-French model in said market; and secondly, it seeks to generate possible portfolios in the MILA market that, following the criteria on risk factors described by Fama and French, have shown through history a better performance than that of a benchmark portfolio.Ítem Estructuración de portafolios mediante el modelo de Markowitz : análisis comparativo del Mercado Integrado Latinoamericano, MILA(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Escobar Jiménez, Carlos Alberto; León Montoya, José Alejandro; Cardona Llano, Juan FelipeThe need for investment by agents in the Latin American stock market has brought new scenarios that allow investment portfolios to be diversified and new strategies to be created that minimize risk while increasing profitability. Thus, this paper analyzes some models for structuring portfolios applicable to Mercado Integrado Latinoamericano (MILA) and the time frame under which results can be obtained that help identify the evolution of the resulting baskets. At a theoretical level, the Markowitz model maximizes profitability for a certain defined level of risk. Undoubtedly, his proposal is one of the main theoretical assumptions of portfolio structuring and investment diversification. Therefore, the structuring of portfolios based on this model is proposed for the selection and definition of an optimal basket from the securities offered in MILA, in order to compare them with the main indices of each country that make up this economic bloc, and, by including the variation due to the exchange rate, evaluating the impact on profitability.Ítem Modelo de priorización y selección de componentes del portafolio de proyectos de inversión del negocio de galletas(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Gómez Mesa, Simón; Silva Burbano, Paulo CésarÍtem Sobre una medida alternativa de riesgo financiero(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Romero Peñuela, Guido Anthony; Londoño Quiceno, Yeison Dario; Laniado Rodas, Henry; Cruz Castañeda, Vivian