Examinando por Materia "Pediatras"
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Ítem Experiencias de consumo de servicios pediátricos de las madres millennials en el departamento del Quindío (Colombia)(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Salcedo Mejía, Paula Camila; Agudelo Calle, Jhonny AlejandroThis study describes the experiences of consumption of pediatric services by Colombian millennial mothers of children between 0 and 8 years old in the department of Quindío, getting to know the process of selecting the pediatrician, the motivations for consultation and the value attributes in pediatric services that are decisive to achieve their satisfaction. A qualitative exploratory research with in-depth interviews (open semi-structured questions) was carried out. The participants were 16 mothers and 1 father between 23 and 44 years old. To understand the perspectives of these mothers about the experiences of consuming pediatric services, was identified that the pediatrician selection process is divided into three stages: they become first-time mothers and begin receiving various pediatrician recommendations; then it continues when they make that first visit to the pediatrician; finally, they continue in the search or decide that they have already found the right pediatrician for their baby according to the feeling they have established with the pediatrician. The consultation motivations identified were two: the motivation for consultation for development and growth and complementary feeding, and motivation on issues that require immediate attention (conditions, illnesses or accidents). Similarly, five value attributes that are decisive in measuring satisfaction in mothers were observed: communication and vocation, availability, credibility, physical conditions of the place, and cost. It was concluded that millennial mothers demand empathic, explanatory service experiences, that not only focus on the child's health, but also on understanding their fears and concerns; moreover, they require an excellent post-consultation service (post-sale) with availability of the specialist by means of WhatsApp or phone call. Finally, these mothers are consumers that prefer to learn from the experience of others and even seek to be and consume in community, since they trust the recommendations made by friends, acquaintances or relatives, and always prefer to seek advice from their communities of mothers before any type of decision regarding the health of their children.