Examinando por Materia "Paneles solares"
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Ítem Análisis de factibilidad de un proyecto de autogeneración eléctrica fotovoltaica en Colombia para áreas productivas menores de 10.000 m²(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Higuera Aguilar, Luis Hernando; Carmona Valencia, Hernán; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioLa energía solar fotovoltaica es reconocida a nivel mundial como una fuente renovable, con bajo impacto ambiental y con costos menores comparados con otras fuentes de energía -- A nivel de Colombia, las condiciones geográficas son favorables para esta tecnología y esta es beneficiaria de estímulos gubernamentales como la Ley 1715 del 2014; sin embargo, en Colombia no ha tenido una amplia utilización -- En el presente trabajo se hace un análisis de factibilidad por metodología ONUDI para un proyecto de autogeneración con energía solar fotovoltaica en una organización simulada -- El análisis se hace simulando la evaluación de un proyecto de autogeneración con energía solar fotovoltaica para producir 1.000.000 de kWh por año -- La factibilidad se hace para una organización que cuente con 10.000 m2 de techos capaces de soportar los equipos necesarios y que requiera consumir la mayor parte de la energía generada en el mismo lugar donde esta se genera -- Se pretende evaluar la factibilidad en las condiciones actuales y también se simula evaluación financiera incorporando algunos factores que han tenido impacto positivo en otros países, en los proyectos de autogeneración con energía solar fotovoltaica, donde puede llegar percibirse como buen negocio para los consumidores de energía eléctrica y promover de esta manera su utilización en ColombiaÍtem “Con luz propia”. Desarrollo de un sistema autosostenible de generación de energía eléctrica, a partir de energías alternativas, orientado al suministro de iluminación pública y de servicios alternos para poblaciones no interconectadas(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Isaza Escobar, Ramiro Antonio; Osorio Gómez, GilbertoÍtem Designing a concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) system in adjunct with a silicon photovoltaic panel for a solar competition car(2014-06-05) Osorio Gómez, Gilberto; Arias Rosales, Andrés; Barrera Velásquez, Jorge; Mejía Gutiérrez, Ricardo; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Diseño; Ricardo Mejia (rmejiag@eafit.edu.co); Gilberto Osorio (gosoriog@eafit.edu.co); Jorge Barrera Velasquez ( jbarre13@eafit.edu.co); Andres Arias (aariasr@eafit.edu.co); Ingeniería de Diseño - GRIDSolar competition cars are a very interesting research laboratory for the development of new technologies heading to their further implementation in either commercial passenger vehicles or related applications -- Besides, worldwide competitions allow the spreading of such ideas where the best and experienced teams bet on innovation and leading edge technologies, in order to develop more efficient vehicles -- In these vehicles, some aspects generally make the difference such as aerodynamics, shape, weight, wheels and the main solar panels -- Therefore, seeking to innovate in a competitive advantage, the first Colombian solar vehicle “Primavera”, competitor at the World Solar Challenge (WSC)-2013, has implemented the usage of a Concentrating Photovoltaic (CPV) system as a complementary solar energy module to the common silicon photovoltaic panel -- By harvesting sunlight with concentrating optical devices, CPVs are capable of maximizing the allowable photovoltaic area -- However, the entire CPV system weight must be less harmful than the benefit of the extra electric energy generated, which in adjunct with added manufacture and design complexity, has intervened in the fact that CPVs had never been implemented in a solar car in such a scale as the one described in this work -- Design considerations, the system development process and implementation are presented in this document considering both the restrictions of the context and the interaction of the CPV system with the solar car setup -- The measured data evidences the advantage of using this complementary system during the competition and the potential this technology has for further developmentsÍtem Disposición de uso de paneles solares fotovoltaicos en unidad personal de vivienda y conjuntos residenciales(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Mesa Murillo, Juliana; Flórez Isaza, Omar David; Isaac Millán, Idi Amín; Muñoz Molina, YaromirEvery day there are about the deterioration of the environment, the reduction of natural resources and the effects of climate change such as global warmings and others -- This situation has motivated some companies to develop products that work or are manufactured with renewable energy for the energy sector -- Colombia suffers the consequences of the excessive use of its natural resources -- The country experienced in the first quarter of 2016 one of its worst droughts in the history, on one side threatened to be an energy crisis but on the other boosted the use of renewable energy -- This situation motivated the development of this research work, which describes and evaluates this context and the provision of solar panels to supply energy to households of strata 4, 5 and 6 of the city of Medellin, in order to identify the main perceptions of the users about this resource and their intention of consumption and purchase -- The use of panels is an innovative technology that has not been developed on a large scale in the country due to its high implementation cost and the legal barriers that prevent it from becoming widespread -- This research allows to describe the viability of the use of renewable energies for the housing sector, and evidences the lack of technical knowledge that exists on this part of the majority of consumers, from myths that have been generated around their efficiency to effects of radiation -- The findings presented by this study are a starting point for companies that implement and distribute this energy as their business, to generate more confidence among consumers and potential usersÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad de un proyecto que evalúe la implementación de paneles solares en siete instituciones educativas en el municipio de Chinchiná Caldas mediante el sistema general de regalías(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Gómez García, Esteban; Alzate Galeano, Yesid David; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioThe objective of this work is to study the feasibility of a project that implements solar panels in Colombian public and educational institutions, through the general system of royalties in the Municipality of Chinchiná Caldas. Within this context, all the relevant aspects that affect the evaluation of the viability of the project that manages to sustain the economic, environmental, social and other benefits, which are achieved through the implementation, execution and commissioning, will be presented and studied in detail. underway for this type of type of projects based on renewable energy sources. The research work will be carried out with the purpose of encouraging and promoting the increasingly relevant culture, in the use of alternative energies as a worldwide trend, so that important changes can be achieved in the use of non-energy sources. renewable, with conventional technologies and a high degree of obsolescence. Said work also contemplates the most outstanding investigative antecedents that exist with respect to the implementation of this type of trends focused on clean energy sources in the Colombian territory, as well as the legal framework that promotes the good development in the materialization and execution of projects that focus on caring for the environment and provide the greatest possible social impact. This is how it is intended through this study, to demonstrate on a small scale how the transition from the use of traditional technologies to the adoption of renewable energies is achieved so that in the future this environmental analysis serves as an investigative background in the application clean energy on a large scale such as industrialized companies and a significant percentage of homes in the coffee region. Most of the energy currently used in the world comes from fossil fuels, the progressive exhaustion of these traditional energy sources has forced most of the countries of the world to find solutions in energies that take advantage directly of resources considered inexhaustible as the sun, the wind, the bodies of water, the vegetation or the internal heat of the earth, and which are known as alternative or renewable energies (ABURRA AM, 2019). Future energy generation is dependent on current energy consumption, solidly supported by sources such as oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear sources; but with the exception that the above energy resources are limited in nature, that is, they are not infinite, and therefore, at the global level, there is an obligation to migrate to other renewable resources that guarantee higher levels of useful life. For a better illustration, about 80% of energy consumption is generated through fossil resources and compared to renewable resources, it is only possible to cover and exploit 20% of the total energy sources. Regarding the national context, Colombia is a country whose energy consumption and generation comes mainly from water resources, which directly implies a dependency that can be considered critical in low-rain environments, which in Colombia is known as the El Niño phenomenon. In a normal scenario, the water resource has the capacity to supply about 85% of the demand under hydraulic generation. This is how during the dry periods, such as those that occurred in the years 2009-2010 and 2015-2016, a contingency situation arose that drastically affected the generation of hydraulic energy in the country caused by the El Niño phenomenon, and in the event of an emergency, it was there that it had to resort to other sources of generation such as thermal power, which by then managed to cover 50% of the demand; that in economic terms this meant cost overruns in the production and generation of this energy, as well as the potential increase in greenhouse gas emissions. The risk in drought scenarios can be reduced with the diversification of the generation matrix, especially with an increase in the participation of the FNCER. This type of energy has variable costs close to zero. In this context, the Government of Colombia (GdC) has committed to incorporating 1,500 MW of FNCER by the year 2022 and these sources are expected to represent between 13% and 18% of the electricity system's generation by 2031. (IDB, 2019).Ítem Evaluación de proyecto de inversión: viabilidad financiera de la generación de energía fotovoltaica por medio de un huerto solar en Pereira(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) López Mejía, Eliana; Arcila Duque, Luis AntonioThe search for alternatives to improve industrial processes that are consistent with the global need for preserving the environment and that, in turn, are retained as lucrative in a mostly capitalist world economic activities, take this research seeks to determine if it is financially viable or not, generate energy through clean sources (solar farms) in a way that they are a business opportunity for the entrepreneur in the city of Pereira -- Initially, the value of the investment is estimated to determine the NPV and the IRR of the project -- The cost of capital (WACC) is built according to the necessary leverage and determines the cost of debt -- Collected information, revenues, costs, expenses, taxes, depreciation, among others, are deducted from the exercise of the activity and projected flows of box and financial statements, in order to analyze the different indices that suggest the feasibility of the project (Ebitda, liquidity, leverage and profitability indices) -- They play an important role, almost as decisive, tax incentives created by the Colombian Government, in order to encourage investors to create environmentally friendly enterprises; Therefore, that Decree 2143 2015 is fundamental part in this researchÍtem Factibilidad de la implementación de paneles solares fotovoltaicos para la generación de energía eléctrica en las cabeceras municipales de las Zonas No Interconectadas de Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Arroyave Valencia, Javier Alejandro; Vásquez Hernández, AlejandroThis thesis presents the feasibility analysis of the use of photovoltaic (PV) solar panels for the generation of electricity in the main municipalities of the non-interconnected zones of Colombia, also taking into account other studies of feasibility carried out with the Homer® optimization tool, to determine the best combination alternative among the generation of energy with diesel generators, solar panels and the storage with batteries, for each of the 34 main municipalities for which the analysis was carried out