Examinando por Materia "POBREZA - COLOMBIA"
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Ítem Análisis de la movilidad social en Colombia durante las últimas dos décadas(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Mejía Molina, Cristian Alexander; García Montoya, Juan Camilo; Goda, ThomasThis research is based on the realization of a social mobility index through intergenerational education, understood as that which associates the educational level of a current generation with its immediately preceding generation. This is justified by the reality that Colombia is currently experiencing in terms of inequality and poverty, being the second most unequal country in Latin America, as measured by the Gini coefficient. Through the following work, the behavior of such social mobility in the different regions of the country was analyzed, in addition to a differentiation by education quantiles, which allowed identifying characteristics of each population group. In general, it is found that social mobility in Colombia is low, however, it has improved in the last decade, and the need for a longitudinal survey is also mentioned, which would allow to better capture this phenomenon, since the current methodologies have many limitations.Ítem Breaking the Poverty Trap of Rural Homes. A case study of the Comprehensive Rural Reform in Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Peña Rojas, Estefany; Tobón Zapata, SantiagoÍtem Civil Conflict and antipoverty programmes: effects on demobilisation(Universidad EAFIT, 2015-04-08) Pena, Paola; Urrego, Joaquin A.; Villa, Juan M.; jurrego@worldbank.org; penap@outlook.com; juan.villalora@manchester.ac.ukAntipoverty programmes have been successful in helping millions of people afford betterlivelihoods -- While this is well known, little research has yet been conducted that examines the power of such programmes to influence outcomes in times of conflict, especially in countries where antipoverty programmes are implemented amidst disputes against illegal armed groups -- This paper focuses on the implementation of Familias en Accion, a flagship antipoverty programme in Colombia during the early 2000s when the country was experiencing the crudest peak in its long-lasting internal conflict -- Our estimations are based on a natural experiment that resulted from the rolling out of the programme which allowed us to identify a difference-in-differences approach -- Our results indicate that the programme had positive effects on the demobilisation of combatants -- The theoretical transmission channels of these effects are discussed and contrasted with the existing empirical evidenceÍtem Colección de artículos escojidos(Bogotá: Imprenta de Pizano I Pérez, 1859) Kastos, EmiroÍtem El enfoque de las capacidades frente al Programa “Más Familias en Acción”(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Tabares Meza, Camilo Andrés; García Jaramillo, LeonardoÍtem Entrega de una renta básica universal a personas en situación de pobreza monetaria y pobreza monetaria extrema(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Baez Santa, Daniela; Vargas Sáenz, Mario EnriqueÍtem Impacto de la inclusión financiera en los indicadores de pobreza y desiguadad de ingresos en los departamentos de Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Mona Mejía, Dany Alexis; Restrepo Jaramillo, Juliana; Goda, ThomasThe indices of poverty and income inequality in Colombia have decreased between 2000 and 2019. A possible explanation for this reduction is the increase in financial inclusion of vulnerable households in the country, global case studies have shown that, depending on the socioeconomic and specific to the financial system conditions of each territory, financial inclusion can reduce inequality and poverty. The objective of this paper is to verify empirically if financial inclusion contributed to the reduction of inequality and poverty in the states of Colombia during the years 2009 and 2019. The obtained results indicate that the used measure of financial inclusion does not significantly affect poverty and inequality measures in Colombia. One potential explanation for this finding is that the most vulnerable households do not have access to a wide array of financial instruments; or that their access has not had the expected effect because they opt for consumer loans and become overindebted instead of increasing their savings and investment.Ítem Mucha zanahoria y poco garrote : análisis de los instrumentos de política pública de Más Familias en Acción (2012-2018)(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Largo Álvarez, Cristian Camilo; Estudiante de Ciencias Políticas, Universidad EAFITÍtem Nuestro territorio común : gobernanza y gestión sostenible en el borde urbano sur de la Ciénaga de la Virgen en Cartagena, Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Madero Jirado, Maristella; Bello Gómez, LorenaÍtem Pobreza monetaria : un análisis a las transferencias monetarias condicionadas como mecanismo para superar la pobreza monetaria en la población joven(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Otavo Rueda, Robinson Javier; Uribe López, MauricioThis paper analyzes the monetary poverty of the young population in Colombia, from the perspective of different theorists who explore the relationship between poverty and development, in order to investigate the effects of Conditional Cash Transfer programs, such as the "Jóvenes en Acción" program, on this problem in Colombia, based on information available from DANE. This analysis shows that a Conditional Cash Transfer model, specifically in the case study of the "Jóvenes en Acción" program, does not have a major impact on the reduction of unemployment or poverty figures, for two main reasons: 1) It is not focused on the largest young population group in a state of vulnerability or poverty with educational difficulties, which are those who do not complete the basic school cycle to obtain a high school diploma. 2) The population classification model to which these resources should be directed has shortcomings, given that a large part of the resources do not end up being received by the population in a state of vulnerability or poverty. These two reasons or flaws are in turn the two minimum requirements for accessing the "Jóvenes en Acción" program, and since there are flaws that do not allow the young population in a state of vulnerability or poverty to access them, the "social and labor insertion" sought by the program does not occur.Ítem Progress out of Poverty Index: Una propuesta alternativa para identificar la pobreza en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Ospina Muñoz, María Camila; Astorquiza Bustos, Bilver AdriánIn the present investigation was shown PPI as an alternetive to measure poverty in Colombia -- The PPI is a method that contains ten variables, which can be measured -- This method has a relative low cost, it is comparable and it does not require much time to be calculated -- For the calculation of the PPI, the data provided by the National Administrative Department of Statistics - DANE, for the period 2009 - 2016 were fundamental -- The results thrown by the PPI suggest a gradual attention by the government for the 24 departments, begining by the following five departments: Bolívar, Caquetá, Córdoba, Chocó, La Guajira -- Also, when PPI is compared with Multidimensional Poverty Index - IPM, Monetary Poverty and Extreme Monetary Poverty we found that the results in general are quite consistent -- The higher the PPI score, these methods to measure poverty presented reductions, which makes a lot of sense, given that the PPI score between higher represents a poverty drecrease and other methods to measure poverty when they decrease indicate a poverty reduction -- After the above, we took some variables sustained in economic literature which could have some influence on the PPI such as Gross Domestic Product - GDP, unemployment and population -- To normalize the variables GDP, unemployment and population, these variables were taken in Natural Logarithm -- Through a panel of static data with fixed effects (within), we found that GDP and unemployment were significant statistics -- What it means, GDP and unemployment as independent variables could explain the independent variable PPIÍtem ¿Qué efecto tienen las remesas sobre la pobreza y la desigualdad? Evidencia para Colombia 2012-2019(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Fernández Londoño, Camilo; Goda, ThomasInternational remittances account for about 2,1% of Colombia's GDP. Even though they are so important in the national accounts, very little has been studied about their effects on poverty and inequality, which tend to be ambiguous in the literature. This study estimates the effect of remittances on both variables for the period 2012-2019, based on data from more than 1,8 million households from Colombia’s official statistics department (DANE). Poverty and inequality indicators were calculated for the observed income (with remittances), without remittances and for an estimated counterfactual income of the recipient households if no member of the household had migrated in the first place. This, was estimated with Heckman’s (1979) two-stage selection model. It was found that remittances, compared to the case without remittances, reduce poverty by -0,19 p.p., extreme poverty by -0,13 p.p. and have no effect on the Gini coefficient. However, when the counterfactual is included, remittances increase poverty by +0,06 p.p., extreme poverty by +0,05 p.p. and the Gini coefficient in +0,002 points. This effect not only is small but also opposite to most of the empirical literature, and raises the necessity for more studies on this topic, however, it concludes that the poorest recipient households would have higher average incomes if they had not migrated in the first place.Ítem Relación entre pobreza monetaria, pobreza extrema y gasto público social en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Gómez Zuluaga, María Camila; Ochoa García, María Isabel; Goda, Thomas