Examinando por Materia "Orquesta sinfónica inicial"
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Ítem Arreglos para los procesos sinfónicos binacionales de nivel inicial e intermedio de la ciudad de Ipiales(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) López Narváez, Nathaly; Alunno, MarcoThis work is the result of a personal experience in working with symphony orchestras in the town of Ipiales - Nariño at the Colombian-Ecuadorian borders. Through this experience, evidence of paucity of traditional repertoire with technical characteristics suited for a beginner orchestra was found. With the purpose of filling this gap, this work proposes three arrangements for the initial and the intermediate symphonic orchestras under the binational music formation processes of the town of Ipiales. The arrangements are based on the technical characteristics of these orchestras. This article discusses the characteristics of the Colombian cumbia, the Ecuadorian pasacalle, and San Juanito and addresses the adaptation of three works in those rhythms for the initial and intermediate orchestral level.