Examinando por Materia "Orquesta de cuerdas pulsadas"
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Ítem Sincronismo sobre cuatro pinturas para orquesta de cuerdas pulsadas y coro(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Carmona Patiño, Julián Esteban; Alunno, Marco; Agudelo Ramírez, Víctor HugoThe purpose of the following article is to describe the compositional process of the piece "Synchronism on four paintings, for plucked string orchestra and choir" of my authorship. The work is based on four paintings and four texts from the book "Landscapes of the soul" by the Mexican writer Maria Dolores Guadarrama and the Chilean visual artist Verónica Leiton. The pedagogical goal of my piece is to bring plucked strings players (guitar, tiple and bandola) and composers together so that they can create and enrich the plucked strings repertoire with the new contemporary aesthetics. The piece is divided into four movements.