Examinando por Materia "Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS)"
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Ítem Diseño de una propuesta pedagógica para adquisición de capacidades para el desarrollo sostenible con énfasis en la igualdad de género(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) González García, Daniela; González-Pérez, María Alejandra; Uribe Marín, RicardoThe research pretend to make visible the relationship between gender equality and sustainable development in the context of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, designing as a final product a summer course from experiential education through the Bordenaves´s Arc Method, to promote the creation of skills and competences to intervene in contexts of gender, achieving social development -- To achieve this design a theoretical approach to the phenomenon of study is done , then find meaningful experiences to add value to the process of experiential education and finally a review of different curricula on gender issueÍtem Escuelas de Administración en Latinoamérica y la implementación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS)(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Osorio Ramírez, Sergio Alejandro; Uribe Marín, Ricardo; González-Pérez, María Alejandra; Henao Cálad, MónicaEn el marco de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) establecidos por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, la enseñanza y formación de los gerentes, enfocados en este sentido, representa un reto para las universidades latinoamericanas -- El presente trabajo consiste en un benchmarking de 6 programas de administración de universidades latinoamericanas presentes en el ranking Financial Times (FT) y América Economía sobre métodos de enseñanza a futuros gerentes para el Desarrollo Sostenible y la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, en el marco de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible -- Para esto se realiza una investigación sobre el estado del arte y su relación con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible que tienen como meta el 2030 -- Adicionalmente, se realiza una elección de 8 criterios que pretenden determinar la preparación de estas universidades en dichos temasÍtem Estado actual de la sostenibilidad en proyectos de organizaciones sostenibles del Valle de Aburrá(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Gaviria Mejía, Pablo; Ruíz Gómez, Natalia Cristina; Londoño Jaramillo, Juan Gonzalo; Henao Arango, María CeciliaThe concept of sustainability has been developing in the corporate environment for more than four decades; this international concern was introduced in 1972 by the United Nations summit on climate change -- Some organizations in Colombia, specifically in the Aburrá Valley, have included sustainability issues in their corporate strategies, motivated by several factors, among which can be mentioned: compliance with regulations and agreements to reduce carbon emissions, brand positioning as socially and environmentally responsible, tax benefits and the mitigation of operational, reputational, financial and political risks -- Taking into account that the social, economic and environmental commitment that organizations assume, by including principles of sustainability within their corporate strategy, must be aligned with the application of the concept of sustainability in the projects, the following research questions arise: How does the most relevant methodologies in project management take into account the concepts of sustainability?, How does the organizations address the challenge of sustainability?, How are the principles of corporate sustainability reflected in practices applied to project management? -- Based on these questions, the present study analyzes the current state of integration of sustainability in projects management in some sustainable organizations of the Aburrá Valley, to identify how the organizational strategy of sustainability in the execution of the projects is reflectedÍtem Microempresas de biocomercio, agricultura orgánica y ODS(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Rodríguez Córdoba, Yovanny; Vargas Sáenz, Mario EnriqueGreen Businesses are economic activities that use goods and services of Biodiversity and generate positive environmental and social benefits and impacts without compromising economic profitability -- It is a business model different from the Corporate Social Responsibility, it can be done by any type of company, regardless of its size; in their philosophy, they respond to the Agenda for the development after 2015, given that in their actions they comply with the requirements called "Criteria and Indicators of Green Businesses (CINV)" -- In Colombia, these businesses gained strength with the implementation of the Sustainable Production and Consumption Policy (PPyCS-2010), are under the rector of the Green Business Office of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADS), of which in 2017 There were about 796 companies in the whole country, promoted and promoted by the Environmental Authorities (AA), through the windows or Green Business Nodes, with a report of 577 companies valued with the CINV, of which 15 microenterprises are located in the Department of Chocó, being the behavior of the CINVs in this group of micro-enterprises, the object of this study, together with a correlation of these with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDOs), to identify and evaluate possible contributions in the implementation of these in the local contextÍtem Pugnas y restricciones por el acceso al agua potable. Factores que han impedido su suministro en la zona nororiental de Medellín ¿cómo superarlos?(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Palacio Tamayo, Daniel; Zapata Tamayo, PabloEste artículo, en primera instancia, plantea una conversación alrededor de los factores que han impedido el suministro de agua potable en la zona nororiental de Medellín y sus implicaciones para el desarrollo de estas comunidades en clave de política pública, más cuando se anunció la conexión al servicio público de unas 40.200 familias -- Igualmente esta publicación analiza, bajo un enfoque neoinstitucional, y en el marco de este estudio de caso, la construcción de gobernanza bajo el trabajo realizado por Elinor Ostrom en el Gobierno de los bienes comunes, pero que además, —para el caso de Medellín— está cruzada por actores ilegales, corrupción, exclusión y desigualdad, de modo que en las conclusiones se plantean las implicaciones y salidas para vencer la situación y garantizar el derecho fundamental al agua potable para estas familias en el marco de los Objetivos de Desarrollo SostenibleÍtem Responsible patterns of production and consumption: The race for the achievement of SDGs in emerging markets(Universidad EAFIT, 2021-06-30) Gómez-Trujilllo Ana María; Velez-Ocampo, Juan; Castrillón-Orrego, Sergio A.; Alvarez-Vanegas, Alejandro; Manotas, Eva Cristina; CEIPA Bussiness Center; Universidad de Antioquia; Universidad EAFIT; Universidad EAFIT; Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede MedellínSince the end of the 20th century, the role of private multinational enterprises (MNEs) has been recognized as critical in implementing increased sustainable production and consumption atterns. Particularly after the creation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Agenda 2030, this role has increased. In this sense, this paper aims to analyze the measures and actions taken by companies in their contribution to the achievement of the SDG 12. Through the identification of more than 52 metrics in sustainability reports of 854 firms, findings suggest that direct greenhouse gas emissions and indirect greenhouse gas emissions are the most often reported corporate metrics to measure their impact on specific SDGs. This reveals the importance of sustainability actions in emerging market firms as a mechanism to gain legitimacy when operating in foreign markets and as an opportunity to create more sustainable production models.Ítem El Sistema Internacional de Inversión Extranjera Directa dentro del marco del desarrollo en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Botero Uribe, Alejandro; Toro Valencia, José Alberto