Examinando por Materia "Net Metering"
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Ítem Estudio de factibilidad para acuerdos de compra de energía de proyectos solares fotovoltaicos de menos de 20 kWp en Antioquia(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) López Llano, Juan Camilo; López Llano, Manuela; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioCurrently in Colombia, there is no record of business models that make power purchase agreements of solar photovoltaic systems of less than 20kWp viable -- Consequently, there is a great proportion of the market left uncovered that is equally appealing for solar developers and EPC’s -- This study will assess the feasibility of the packaging strategy for photovoltaic solar systems aiming at determining whether this proposal allows investors to have access to tributary benefits and, hence, make investment in small-scale projects viable -- In order to conduct this study, we are going to use the UNIDO methodology for the preparation of studies of industrial feasibility -- In the first stage, we are going to analyze the feasibility of the market and will subsequently determine the estimated demand for small- scale photovoltaic solar systems in Antioquia -- In a later stage, we will assess the technical and legal feasibility of packaging these systems and, finally, we will engage in a financial evaluation to conclude whether this strategy is feasible for the development of power purchase agreements of photovoltaic solar systems of less than 20kWp