Examinando por Materia "Modelo CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model)"
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Ítem Evaluación financiera de cinco de los Fondos de Inversión Colectiva más representativos en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Maya Martínez, Manuel; Gutiérrez Rangel, GermánThe following work seeks to analyze five of the most important mutual funds available for investors in the Colombian market, evaluating their historical performance based on their returns and volatility -- For this purpose, the author will use the CAPM model devised by Sharpe-Lintner (1964), which is widely accepted in the traditional financial theory to define the appropriate return rate for a determined financial asset, according to its risk -- Furthermore, we will establish if these funds generate Economic Value Added (EVA®) comparing their real return with the minimum expected profit for each of them, also using Jensen’s Alpha theory -- Last, conclusions will be made about the results helping readers to make future investment decisionsÍtem Modelo de inversión para el manejo integral del patrimonio en familias colombianas en el contexto de la gestión patrimonial(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Camacho Brochero, Irina Maritza; Correa Lafaurie, Luisa FernandaThe integral management of the family patrimony is related to one of the areas of paramount importance in the financial world, such as personal finances; which require proper management so that investment decisions are in line with the economic environment and the objectives set by each Colombian family -- This degree work seeks to develop a useful investment model so that Colombian families can make informed decisions that positively impact the stability of their assets, amid a slowing economy and low growth forecasts for the country for 2017 and 2018 -- The development of the model is based on knowledge in fixed income and equity, acquired in the Master of Financial Management and the seminar of wealth management; as well as concepts on behavioral management, investment management and investment portfolios; in this way it contributes to the improvement of the decision-making process of the families in their role of investors, because due to the economic, political and market environment, the requirements on concepts in financial planning and investments are becoming more demanding -- The simulations of the model will be carried out based on the CAPM model, efficient portfolio theory and the Markowitz theoryÍtem Reporte Burkenroad: Coltejer S. A.(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Montoya Gómez, Marisol; Guevara Arcila, Luis Felipe; Pareja Vasseur, JuliánÍtem Reporte Burkenroad: Enka de Colombia S. A.(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Callejas Franco, Esteban; Gómez Bustamante, Andrea Catalina; Restrepo Barth, SimónÍtem Reporte financiero Burkenroad / Latinoamérica – Colombia / Acerías Paz del Río S.A.(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Corrales Estrada, Valentina; Arango Pasos, Camilo; Gaitán Riaño, Sandra Constanza; Restrepo Barth, SimónÍtem Reporte Financiero Burkenroad / Latinoamérica – Colombia / Promigas S.A.E.S.P.(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) González Escobar, Jorge León; Maestre Carmona, Felipe; Mondragón Trujillo, Luis FernandoÍtem Reporte financiero Burkenroad / Latinoamérica – Colombia / Valoración Banco de Bogotá(2018) Córdoba Jaramillo, Federico; Arbeláez Giraldo, Héctor Mauricio; Ospina Mejía, Jaime AlbertoÍtem Valoración de empresa ganadera y mediana productor de leche; región norte y sabanera de Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Haddad Casallas, Paul; Rojas Hernández, José Alejandro; Támara Ayús, Armando LeninÍtem Valoración de la empresa MH(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Restrepo Ríos, Julián; López Mejía, Jaime Alberto; Támara Ayús, Armando LeninMH is a company with more than 38 years of experience dedicated to the manufacture and commercialization of metallic parts for the car industry, It is focused principally on the local market and with the aim to penetrate on the international market -- For this reason, part of the work is to be able to offer to the executives financial support for the take of decisions directed to the generation of value -- To reach this aim, we analyzed the autoparts industry in Colombia and also the financial and countable information of the company between 2011 and 2016 -- Based in this information, the financial statements are projected to ten years -- Later, there determine the cost of the capital of the company depending on his financial structure, the average cost of the debt and the cost of the heritage. It was necessary to use the model CAPM(Cardinal Asset Pricing Model) depending on the free rate of risk, profitability of market, risk country and the systemic risk of the sector of autoparts (all of The United States) -- Once there had found the projected flows and the WACC, we procced to realize the valuation of the company across the methodology of future discounted flows and his respective awareness -- Finally, this investigation will allow to frame the activities that generate major value for the company, such as the policies of high prices, re-profiling of the short term debt, moderation in the capitalization of the heritage and others; guaranteeing in turn of the future viability of the companyÍtem Valoración de la empresa Pollo Andino S.A. mediante método de flujo de caja descontado(2018) Monsalve Impatá, Deifa Nory; Quevedo Pardo, Derly Andrea; Sánchez Ribero, Gustavo AlbertoPollo Andino S.A. (2017) is a poultry company created in 1976; that is, with almost 42 years of experience, that markets and distributes its products in the center and east of Colombia -- Its product (chicken meat) is defined as a commodity, so the consumer decides to buy it based on the price -- The low margins and constant threats of the market generate the need to look for business alternatives, with which they can diversify their risk and in this way be able to face this situation, so it is important to know the value of companies to support decision making -- In this work, the valuation of the company is carried out using the discounted cash flow method, sensitizing the results under different scenarios, to provide financial information to support and guide decision making, from a value-based management approach -- This methodology allows other companies to implement it and contribute to the business management of the countryÍtem Valoración de una Start-Up para empresarios no diversificados: El caso del Criadero Ovino Canaima, en Colombia(2018) Cortés Zambrano, Óscar Fernando; Molina Meza, Rodolfo Miguel; Gaitán Riaño, Sandra ConstanzaThe Latin-American market is mostly made up of entrepreneurs whose investments are concentrated in a unique investment project -- This condition of non-diversified investor supposes an important challenge when the project’s discount rate is going to be estimated -- Similarly, Latin-American economies have been catalogued as emerging ones, which suppose an additional challenge to the project valuation exercise due to, among other aspects, its capital markets characteristics -- One of them, which prevails not only besides of the Southern Cone, but also in most of emerging countries, is the impossibility to find twin assets that allows the estimation of the idiosyncratic risk of the investment project -- The valuation exercise of the investment project Criadero Ovino Canaima will be developed considering the non-diversified investor approach -- Based on this scheme, are estimated variables such the discount rate, that reflect the inherent risk of the investment project, in order to make available to the entrepreneur-investor the tools that makes easier the project taking decision processÍtem Valoración financiera a la empresa Cooperativa de Caficultores del Cauca a través de flujo de caja descontado(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Paz Jiménez, Luz Ángela; Villalobos Muñóz, Juan Carlos; Támara Ayús, Armando LeninThe present paper contains the valuation of the Cauca Coffee Growers’ Cooperative (Caficauca) elaborated through the discounted cash flow method -- In order to carry out the analysis of the Cooperative, historical financial information of the last five years was compiled -- Also, an analysis of macro and micro environment is made that allows to relate the behavior of the Company in the sector and to ensure that its projections are adjusted to the economic reality of the same -- With the projections to 10 years, made from 2017, is proceed to calculate the different financial variables that allow us to reach the result of the valuation method to be used -- Finally, is analyzed the results obtained through the calculations and proceeds to present the conclusions about the current financial situation of Caficauca, and what is expected to happen in the next 10 yearsÍtem Valoración por opciones reales como alternativa para valorar proyectos de infraestructura flexibles(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Samacá Aguirre, Sergio Alexander; Sánchez Ribero, Gustavo AlbertoThis work aims to apply the methodology of valuation of mega infrastructure projects through real options, as a very important analysis proposal in the decision making of investment, taking into account the multiple infrastructure projects (energy, roads, aqueducts, Among others) that are being advanced and projected in Colombia and Latin America -- In practice, infrastructure projects are evaluated through traditional valuation methodologies such as Net Present Value, IRR, IRR, RBC; However, infrastructure projects may incorporate rights and risks associated with this, such as: technical, political, economic, financial, among others risks that affect the execution and completion of the work, which are not fully incorporated in the discount rate And can even generate rights that provide flexibility to the project, which are valued and that with the application of traditional methodologies, are not incorporated or valued -- In this paper, two infrastructure projects will be evaluated, such as: -- Oleoducto Bicentenario de Colombia – Fase I Araguaney-Banadia (OBC) -- Proyecto Mejorías de la seguridad Energético del país y Desarrollo del Gasoducto Sur Peruano (GSP) -- On which the Real Options Valuation methodology will be applied, based on the estimate of the WACC average Cost of capital for infrastructure projects, incorporating the risks of each project and country through the Extended CAPM model -- Subsequently, some of the traditional valuation methods, such as Net Present Value or NPV, Internal Rate of Return or IRR, Profitability Index or IRR, Cost Benefit Ratio or RBC will be evaluated and will be complemented by the application of the Valuation by Real Options, using the Binomial Trees methodology for American type options and Black And Sholes Merton, for European type options -- In the development of this paper, the methodology will be presented to include the risks in the big infrastructure projects and the Real Options Assessment, incorporating the uncertainty of different strategic implementation alternatives contemplated in the same, specifically in the signed construction contracts