Examinando por Materia "Modelo AHP"
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Ítem Identificación óptima de la metodología de Evaluación de impacto para el proyecto “Ciudadela Educativa y Ambiental La Vida” en el municipio de Copacabana(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Monsalve Bedoya, Vanessa; Cadavid Herrera, José VicenteThis research work seeks to determine the optimal tool for the evaluation of the public investment project “Ciudadela Educativa y Ambiental La Vida”, in the municipality of Copacabana, through a multicriteria methodology, which allows the construction of a hierarchical model, through three levels: purpose, criteria and alternatives -- As a result, it was obtained that the best solution alternative is the application of the ex post evaluation whit a percentage of 56.61%, since it is present in all stages of the project, which helps prevent errors in later stages of the project -- Implementation, allows permanent evaluation and monitoring and determines the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact of the program or project used -- In conclusion, the implementation of preferences, through the AHT method, leads to considering the Ex post evaluation, as the best solution to be implemented in public investment projects