Examinando por Materia "Microestructural"
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Ítem Caracterización petrológica con énfasis en microestructuras aplicado a rocas milonitizadas a la altura de la quebrada Sinifaná – Antioquia(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Calero Castaño, Julián Armando; Duque Trujillo, José FernandoThe petrographic analysis and microstructural characteristics allow us to know in greater detail the mineralogy, alterations and structures associated with tectonic processes that affect the minerals in the rock. The present work is located near the village of Bolombo, on the right bank of the Sinifaná stream, and inside a tributary stream of the basin. Here we observe the development of a shear zone that affects the Sabaletas Schists and places them in contact with the Quebradagrande Complex. In order to understand this shear zone, a mineralogical characterization was carried out, based on petrography with emphasis on the microstructures, defining a protomylonite, which involves rock fragments and disaggregated minerals of quartz and plagioclase, fractured with microfaulting and a diversity in the porphyroclasts, S'-C type microstructures and recrystallization processes, which allowed estimating possible evolutionary environments, as well as offering a correlation with the lineament proposed by Peláez (2020) where the present shear zone is developed, related to the Cauca-Almaguer Fault System.Ítem Pore Structure Characteristics and Gas Storage Potential of the Cretaceous La Luna Formation, Middle Magdalena Valley Basin, Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-19) Casadiego-Quintero, Efraín; Rios-Reyes, Carlos Alberto; Fundación Universitaria Agraria de Colombia; Universidad Industrial de SantanderThe rocks of interest in the present study (mudstones) show inherently a heterogeneous pore-size distribution in the matrix. They can present organic and inorganic pores and the transport mechanism through pores is different, and, therefore, it is necessary to describe their organic and inorganic porosity. This work uses different microscopy techniques to characterize mudstones from the Galembo Member of the Cretaceous La Luna Formation, Middle Magdalena Valley Basin, Colombia. These rocks present several pore types, including interparticle pores due to flocculation of clay minerals, organoporosity due to burial and thermal maturity, intraparticle pores from organisms, intraparticle pores within mineral grains, and microchannels and microfractures. The existence of interconnected pores in such complex fracture-pore system provides effective pathways for primary gas migration and it also provides a storage space for the residual hydrocarbon in mudstones, which is important for the primary migration and storage in gas reservoir rocks. The pore connectivity is high and increases towards the top of the sedimentary sequence.Ítem Potencial de silicato de magnesio para insumo de fertilizantes : caso de estudio Ultramáfico de Angelópolis (Heliconia, Antioquia)(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Restrepo Gallo, Brayan Camilo; Zapata Marulanda, John Camilo