Examinando por Materia "Mentoring"
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Ítem La influencia del proceso de mentoring femenino y los referentes de liderazgo en el Grupo Éxito : la percepción de mujeres directivas(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Prens Montes, Meisy Cristina; Osorio de la Hoz, María Isabel; López Gallego, Francisco DaríoÍtem Intervención comportamental para aumentar el índice de permanencia mediante la reducción de la carga laboral, en empleados de una empresa de alimentación hospitalaria(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Acevedo Zuluaga, Jorge Ignacio; Puerta González, María Fernanda; Salazar Vélez, Luisa Fernanda; mlemosh@eafit.edu.coÍtem La práctica del mentoring como dinamizador de capacidades de conocimiento en el contexto organizacional : una revisión de la literatura integradora(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Pasos García, Lorena; Díez Gaviria, Ana CeciiaÍtem Sororidad en la empresa : la opinión calificada de dieciseis ejecutivas en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Roldán Ortega, Sara; Zapata Zapata, Aura Alexandra; López Gallego, Francisco DaríoThis degree work corresponds to a research on the perception of senior executives in Colombia regarding sorority among women and based on their experience and knowledge, how these bonds of sisterhood that are woven between women can enhance their business leadership or, on the contrary, how competition and lack of mutual support can limit and slow down the professional growth of women. The objective of this research is to investigate the perceptions and experiences of 16 Colombian women executives with the purpose of exploring sorority in organizations. Empirically based on their experiences, many women affirm that the lack of sorority among them is due to the macho cultural roots that have limited to a great extent their access to leadership positions and, therefore, have promoted a strong competition among the female gender, rather than a bond that encourages them to support each other. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how solidarity among women is perceived, how it emerges and what is its real importance in the transition towards female leadership.