Examinando por Materia "Marketing de servicios"
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Ítem Diseño de un servicio de asesoría e implementación en la gestión integral de residuos sólidos(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Montoya De Francisco, Juan Sebastián; Mejía Gil, María ClaudiaSolid waste, better known as “garbage”, is one of the problems that society currently faces. The mismanagement that is given to solid waste and the current economic model of consuming and disposing of it have caused a negative environmental impact and an intense consumption of natural resources that has caused a great increase in this waste in the world. In Colombia, since 2003, the legislation for the correct management of solid waste began to be implemented, however, there is still no conclusive result that has allowed an effective solution to this problem. Since 2007 in Medellín and its metropolitan area legislation was developed on the correct management of solid waste that includes a Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan (PMIRS). Despite the existing legislation, the solid waste recovery rate in Medellín is barely 17%, compared to European cities like Copenhagen where the waste recovery rate is around 80%, which shows an important opportunity of business in this sector. Of the 2,000 tons of urban solid waste (MSW) that Medellín produces per day, 1,100 are generated by families in homes and 900 by industries and SMEs. The objective of this research is to design a service that advises and implements the integral management of solid waste in the urbanizations of Medellín. For this research, 27 semi-structured interviews were carried out, with 7 different profiles of people who were related to the objective of the research, where it was identified that the factors that most motivate urbanizations to implement this service are: Education in waste management solid, saving money by avoiding fines and penalties and an environmental benefit since having good solid waste management, there will be less waste in landfills.Ítem Estrategias de marketing para desarrollar un servicio de barbería a domicilio en el área metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá con personas de estratos 4, 5 y 6 que oscilen en edades entre los 30 y 45 años(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Durango Zapata, Juan Esteban; Franco Bustamante, Santiago; Uribe de Correa, Beatriz Amparo; Londoño Vélez, NataliaThis research paper exposes the approach of strategies framed in the marketing mix (7Ps) to develop a barbershop service at home, in Valle de Aburrá metropolitan area. The market to which it is mainly directed, are people of strata four, five and six that oscillate in ages between 30 and 45 years. Background is provided on the third part of logistics, specifically home services, the beauty market and personal care; additionally, concepts such as the marketing mix, service marketing and customer experience. The research is developed through fieldwork in order to analyze the service, its distribution, weak points and the intention of use by the target population. In order to plan an adequate direction and decision-making of the strategy, clear objectives are established to satisfy. For the research and market analysis, the descriptive method focused on the collection of qualitative and quantitative information was applied. For this, surveys were conducted to the diverse population of the analyzed area and a focus group with some people from the central-southern part of the Valle de Aburrá metropolitan area to collect information that would help to answer the objectives. Marketing and marketing strategies focused on the marketing mix of services were formulated.Ítem Factores determinantes en la contratación de servicios para la construcción de una obra civil(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Gómez Giraldo, Ángela Cristina; Acevedo Mejía, Érika Cristina; Baena Alzate, Jorge MarioThe marketing of services for the construction industry is a topic that is rarely addressed at the national level, therefore the present research carries out a qualitative study that uses the semi-structured interview to collect information, with the intention of identifying the relevant factors that determine the contracting of services for the construction companies, as well as the perceptions that companies in the sector have regarding the experience of the service, which influences the purchase decisions. For the nine interviewees, the most relevant factors for hiring are: Quality, Compliance, Price, Training, Experience and Referral Process.Ítem Marketing de contenidos para fidelizar el público de independientes de Comfama en Medellín(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Cañas Arango, Carolina María; Castaño Toro, Perla CeciliaThrough this work it was sought to propose content marketing strategies to retain the independent public of Comfama in Medellín, through communications and formats that would establish a connection with users as well as strengthen long-term relationships was . For this reason, it was important to delve into issues such as services and the importance of having the consumer at the center of the strategy, marketing of services that allows the interactions and contact points with users to be mapped, loyalty where strategies are generated that seek to strengthen the relationship with customers generating greater engagement, content marketing where it is sought through valuable information to reach users with the necessary content according to their segmentation and predominant characteristics. To achieve the objective, qualitative methodologies were used such as in-depth surveys that allowed identifying demographic characteristics, finding preferences and tastes of the independent having a greater affinity with formats such as video and images; furthermore, a high use and acceptance of social networks, media that they enable communication and allow establishing a two-way relationship with users. It was also evidenced that currently users are willing to receive information, the great challenge is to maintain constant communication with them, allowing them to arrive with topics, formats and media of their choice, in order to generate greater engagement and strengthen the relationship in the long-term.