Examinando por Materia "MUJERES"
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Ítem Análisis de las condiciones socioeconómicas de las mujeres en Colombia : la incidencia de la economía del cuidado en la probabilidad de estar empleado(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) García Gómez, Valentina; Dávalos Álvarez, EleonoraThis research manages to evidence gender inequality when performing unpaid domestic care tasks and its impact on the Colombian labor market, in addition to proving that this situation not only limits female labor participation, but also has an impact on its efficiency and performance. Based on the National Time Use Survey 2017-2018 and implementing a linear probability model, it is found that performing this type of unpaid tasks has a negative impact on the probability of obtaining a job. In addition, it confirms the double workday fulfilled by those women who manage to get employed and who additionally work longer hours having a high proportion of time use for care economy work.Ítem Comparación entre los estilos de vida femeninos en relación con la alimentación familiar: caso Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Escobar Cadavid, Carolina María; Márquez Godoy, José Ignacio; Henao Cálad, MónicaEste estudio busca elaborar un comparativo entre los estilos de vida femeninos en Medellín en relación con la alimentación, mediante la aplicación de la herramienta FRL (Food Related Lifestyle), creada por el MAPP (Market-Based Product and Process Development) en Dinamarca, que se emplea de manera extensa para el estudio del consumidor, en especial en Europa y Asia, y su validez y su confianza se han comprobado desde el punto de vista empírico -- Es el primer intento de emplearla para explorar los estilos de vida en Medellín -- Permite caracterizar el proceso de compra e identificar la importancia de algunos atributos, las situaciones de uso, el proceso de preparación y las consecuencias deseadas, en forma específica en la categoría de alimentos, que, al cruzarse con características demográficas del público objetivo seleccionado, posibilita determinar las diferencias entre mujeres de generaciones diversas -- En primer lugar, el estudio presenta un estado del arte, que parte de una revisión de los antecedentes teóricos tomados de artículos investigativos sobre estilos de vida, evolución de los mismos en la mujer, grupos generacionales y herramienta Food-Related Lifestyle -- En segundo lugar se ofrece información primaria sobre los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación del instrumento mencionado a mujeres con hijos que trabajan, pertenecientes a las generaciones X y Y -- Por último se entregan las conclusionesÍtem Comportamientos asociados a la capacidad de agencia de las mujeres entre 18 y 35 años para afrontar el acoso sexual en el sistema de transporte público masivo Metro de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Sánchez Sánchez, Adriana María; Ledesma Cano, María Cristina; Tabares Quiroz, JulianaÍtem La conciliación trabajo - familia en un grupo de mujeres líderes emprendedoras del Eje Cafetero(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Cortés Arcila, María Camila; Orejuela Gómez, Jonny JavierObjective. Analyze the management that a group of entrepreneurial leaders of the coffee region give to the work-family conciliation. Method. transversal descriptive study. The research design was based on a study case from in-depth interviews applied to seven entrepreneurial women leaders of Eje Cafetero. Results. The research indicates that women feel the greatest implication of being a home pillar, in addition, having an enterprise, is the managing of time in order to fulfill the activities that both roles requires from them. Women point out that the decision to start a business was made due to the necessity to be available to take care of their families and at the same time generate some income; However, they discovered that balancing these two spheres is exhausting, takes more time and they have even loose time to give themselves. Conclusions. There is a remarkable need to establish a balance between work and family for these enterprising women, because the well-being of the environment they develop depends on this; the women interviewed also highlight the importance of establishing strategies that give them the possibility of developing different activities than households, because it allows them to feel comfortable with themselves; furthermore, they feel that developing these activities makes them happy, their well-being is transmitted to their family; likewise, the development of household and entrepreneurial activities often cause a work overload, which implies having to work up to 19 hours.Ítem Condición de género y actual dirigencia femenina en Antioquia: la percepción de las líderes(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Quintero Suárez, Olga Lucía; López Gallego, FranciscoÍtem De artesanas a obreras : trabajo fabril femenino en Medellín entre 1902 y 1930(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Domínguez Aguirre, Laura Camila; Cardona Zuluaga, Alba PatriciaÍtem La deconstrucción que atraviesan las mujeres al identificarse como feministas(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Martínez Ponce, Luisa Fernanda; Zuluaga Aristizábal, Marda UcarisÍtem Equidad de género en las orquestas profesionales de Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Galindo Morales, Laura María; Vinasco Guzmán, Javier AsdrúbalLas preocupaciones por la equidad de género han sido una constante en los escenarios sociales de Colombia, la música, no constituye la excepción -- El estudio de la participación de mujeres en las orquestas profesionales, los testimonios de las dos únicas directoras en la historia de la música sinfónica colombiana y las percepciones de un grupo instrumentistas profesionales, permiten entrever que si bien se ha recorrido un camino significativo en las luchas por la equidad, la hegemonía patriarcal y el machismo bajo el cual estuvo regida la sociedad colombiana durante más de un siglo, hacen que la meta aún esté lejosÍtem Evaluación de la implementación de la estrategia de transversalización de la perspectiva de género en Bello 2008 - 2015(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Arroyave Gómez, Luz Marleny; León Restrepo, Néstor Alonso; Medina Rebolledo, Wilger; Zapata Tamayo, PabloEste estudio de caso en el municipio de Bello es una evaluación de la implementación de la estrategia de transversalización de la perspectiva de género a partir del análisis de las variables que consideramos son determinantes para el éxito de la implementación de dicha estrategia: liderazgo técnico, normatividad municipal, coordinación y rotación -- Las dificultades identificadas se alinean a cada una de estas variables y serán analizadas a la luz de la literatura especializada tanto en género como en las denominadas políticas públicas transversales -- Finalmente se proponen unas recomendaciones para superar las fallas identificadas en el trabajo de campoÍtem Exploración de las vivencias de mujeres con orientación sexual lésbica en la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Vélez Mesa, ManuelaÍtem Figuras y representaciones de la mujer en el discurso de la moda: Medellín, 1960-1970(Universidad EAFIT, 2012) Cubillos Vergara, María Carolina; Espinal Pérez, Cruz ElenaEsta investigación analizó las representaciones sociales relacionadas con la mujer, promocionadas en el discurso periodístico de la moda en Medellín durante la década del sesenta, un periodo caracterizado por la aparición de una “ola de consumo” mediático y vestimentario, en conjunto con la propagación de los nuevos ideales destinados a la realización personal, que generaron una transformación paulatina en las representaciones sociales vigentes en la ciudad -- Con el fin de comprender los procesos de transmisión de las representaciones que definieron los roles tradicionales femeninos y los roles que fueron signos de los cambios sociales y culturales, esta investigación utilizó el método del Análisis del Discurso, una herramienta útil que permitió estudiar el contexto social, político y económico en que surgieron y se desarrollaron como creaciones simbólicas de apropiación de la realidad configuradas por los grupos sociales.Ítem Género e inclusión financiera en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Cardona Ruiz, Daniel Elifonso; Hoyos Alzate, María Camila; Saavedra Caballero, FabiolaThe access to the formal financial system allows people to be organized financially, save money and plan for the future -- However, there is still a high percentage of the Colombian population that is outside the financial system, especially women -- The objective of this paper is to measure, through an econometric model based on the data of the World Bank´s 2014 Global Findex Database, the difference in gender regarding the financial inclusion in Colombia during 2014 -- In order to do so, three categories are taken into account and they measure (i) the access to services from a formal financial institution, (ii) their active use, and (iii) the active use of informal financial services -- The latter is relevant because it takes into account that segment of the population that is marginalized from the formal services of the financial sector -- Overall, it is shown that being a woman has a negative impact regarding inclusion on the formal financial system, understanding this inclusion as the access, and effective use of formal financial servicesÍtem Motivaciones de consumo de servicios de belleza y disposición de demanda en línea(2018) Garcés Flórez, Eucaris del Socorro; Osorio Marulanda, Luisa Fernanda; Gentilin, Mariano; Mejía Gil, María ClaudiaThis work was born from the interest of analyzing and knowing in depth the motivations of consumers of beauty services, and their availability of online demand -- With this research, the actions, tastes and preferences that frame the behaviors of women aged 25 to 50 years were demonstrated, belonging to socioeconomic levels 3, 4 and 5, inhabitants of the south of the Aburrá Valley, in those who explored the motivations that influence their purchasing decisions, with the objective of identifying the needs, desires and barriers in front of the online demand of this type of services -- With the findings found, there will be a basis to build digital solutions according to the needs identified in them -- Through the implementation of qualitative research that included in-depth interviews and focus groups, it was explored how is the current relationship of the consumers with the beauty services and their preferences of request and access to them, Identifying also what are the behaviors valued in the relationships they build with their beauty professional, and which aspects they appreciate about technology, specifically about online platforms and their willingness to purchase beauty services through this mediumÍtem La mujer en la alta dirección(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Sánchez Echeverri, Karen Andrea; Ramírez Brouchoud, María Fernanda; Cuellar Bermúdez, Ulises OrestesWomen, as leaders on strategic direction in the city of Medellin, is a matter of analysis from highlight her notorious although scarce presence on board of directors and high direction positions at companies in the city; such remark lead us to the question: ¿ what are the factors that influence participation of woman in high positions of direction? questioning that is both answered with bibliographic information as well as with personal interviews performed to women that have had outstanding professional careers in working environments and that participate in high direction of big enterprises in the city of Medellin -- Based on this inquiry the most relevant factors are concluded, ranging from training to internal and external motivation of professional women of high managementÍtem Las mujeres en la guerra : imágenes, guerra y conflicto armado en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Gallón Giraldo, Laura Milena; Bonilla Vélez, Jorge IvánThe objective of this work is to problematize the gender category in war’s visuality. In this sense, it investigates, in the first place, the ways in which the participation of women in the war was narrated by means of a journey throughout some historical and literary accounts of antiquity and the Middle Ages and some visual testimonies of the gender in photographs of World War II press. All of this with the intention of highlighting the complexities to which the narration of women and the representation of gender has been subject based on the roles they assume, the position in which they are found and the place from which they are narrated. In this way, we introduce the importance of a broader approach to the issue through the study of images and visual studies. Then, the work is focused on the armed conflict and the transition to peace in Colombia to analyze the visuality of gender in press photographs of women in the roles of victims and combatants and ask: what does gender tell us about war in the country? Moreover, in what way does gender constitute a category capable of reinforcing the invisibility of tragedy and pain?Ítem Mujeres que abrazan la esperanza : movilización social femenina y reconstrucción del tejido social en Granada y San Carlos (2005- 2019)(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Domínguez González, Tania; Vélez Zapata, SaraThis article analyzes the conditions that allowed the mobilization of women from Granada and San Carlos for the reconstruction of the social structure in their territories between 2005 and 2019. From the conceptual approach of the local turn in peacebuilding, this study allowed to understand the social movements, as processes that helped the communities to overcome the conflict, to build scenarios of peace and to rebuild the social structure affected during the Colombian war. Thus, the question that guided the analysis was: Which conditions allowed the mobilization of women of Granada and San Carlos for the reconstruction of the social structure of their territories (2005 to 2019)? There were four conditions that allowed the mobilizations:, the acquisition of capacities to call people, participation, leadership and community intervention and the achievement and mobilization of resources.Ítem Negocio inclusivo propiciador de cambio en la calidad de vida(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Anaya Urbina, Lina María; Muñoz Molina, YaromirÍtem Obstáculos en el liderazgo femenino en el sector textil del Valle de Aburrá : la experiencia de diez líderes(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Velásquez Gómez, Maria Paula; López Gallego, FranciscoObjective: To identify which are the main barriers perceived by ten businesswomen from the textile industry in Valle de Aburra due to their gender and how they overcome the oncoming obstacles. Method: A qualitative study was carried out using a semi-structured interview with ten leading women in the textile sector of Valle de Aburrá. Conclusions: The main barrier that women have to face in order to access to strategic apexes is society because it still stigmatizes women due to their gender condition. In addition, the family responsibilities of women represents another barrier not only because of social stigma but because women still feel bad about dedicating extra hours to their work comparing to the time they spend with house duties. One of the tools that women have used to grow professionally is education.Ítem Percepción de las vivencias de la sexualidad y la educación sexual recibida en la educación formal en lesbianas(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Marín Satizábal, Laura Fernanda; Lemos Hoyos, MariantoniaObjective. Describe the perception of the experiences of sexuality and sex education received in formal education in lesbians. Method. Qualitative research, with phenomenological design and comprehensive scope. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with lesbian women who studied in schools 60% private, 20% public and 20% in both. Results. There is evidence of a negative perception towards the sex education received in their schools, this was associated with the negative experiences expressed about each of the dimensions according to the Holonic Model of sexuality. Conclusions. By providing sex education without a focus on gender and diversity affected the perception of a safe space in which to be, question and identify.Ítem Sentidos subjetivos construidos alrededor de la relación sexual en un grupo de mujeres que ha experimentado la mastectomía del Valle de Aburrá(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Villada Amaya, Santiago; Carmona, Juan Gabriel