Examinando por Materia "MTN"
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Ítem Determinación de factores de seguridad relativos al deslizamiento utilizando la metodología de taludes naturales (MTN) en la zona sub-urbana y urbana del municipio del Carmen de Atrato Chocó(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Waldo Quinto, Francys Yadilson; Prieto Salazar, Jorge AlonsoThis work presents the zoning of an area of the municipality of Carmen de Atrato through safety factors related to landslide considering the time categories: long, medium and short term, facilitating the analysis and zoning of risk and threat, using the slope methodology. natural resources (MSN), which requires only geology and topography as main inputs. The MSN provides a series of geomechanical and stability parameters for the determination of zones through the safety factor relative to landslide, which we herein call the landslide susceptibility index, in order to offer a practical tool in the generation of preliminary information in relation to the geomechanical parameters of the study area for engineering projects related to the field of geotechnics. The present work covers the following aspects for the determination of the safety factors related to the Fsr slide: a) Measurements of the slope families, b) Construction of the triangular pattern at the population level, c) Calculation of the basic friction angle, d ) Calculation of the envelopes for the calculation of geomechanical parameters of the delimited area, e) Calculation of safety factors related to the Fsr landslide, f) Risk zoning through the construction of isovalue maps. Finally, it is obtained that the basic friction angle obtained corresponds to that expected for this type of materials, for the relative safety factors the isovalue maps are presented, however, a better estimate of the possible occurrence of future events could be to implement a model considering precipitation up to 30 years and earthquakes for different return periods. It is important to remember that relative safety factors reflect past history, but do not take into account future triggering events. The inclusion of these triggers allows for a better estimate of the future probability of landslide failure. However, the calculation of the stability parameters presented in this work corresponds to a preliminary approach to the landslide susceptibility in the analyzed area, as well as the resistance parameters of geomaterials which are useful in civil engineering projects.Publicación Identificación de taludes susceptibles a deslizamiento por medio de la Metodología de Taludes Naturales (MTN) para un caso de estudio : vereda el Vallano, sector astilleros, municipio de Envigado, departamento de Antioquia, Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) López Alarcón, Ferney Andrés; Prieto Salazar, Jorge AlonsoThis research evaluated the susceptibility to landslides using the Natural Slopes Methodology (MTN), in order to identify the stability of the terrain in critical areas of the El Vallano village, Astilleros sector, Municipality of Envigado, Antioquia. The research, of a descriptive and applied nature, used the MTN proposed by Tomás Shuk, which correlates geomorphological parameters such as height and length of slopes to estimate their stability in complex terrain and with limited primary information. The study showed a progressive deterioration in the stability of the slopes, with an increase in the number classified as high susceptibility over long time horizons. This pattern is attributed to factors such as erosion, soil saturation, climatic variations and unregulated human activities. Likewise, due to uncontrolled runoff, which has been linked to previous surface landslides. Based on these findings, slope stabilization in Vereda El Vallano requires a comprehensive approach that combines advanced technical solutions and principles of environmental sustainability. The proper management of surface and subsurface water emerges as a fundamental pillar, highlighting the use of strategically located drainage systems and bioengineering techniques, such as the incorporation of phytoremediation species and living barriers. These measures not only reduce soil saturation and strengthen its shear resistance, but also contribute to mitigating the risks associated with landslides, promoting long-term geotechnical stability.