Examinando por Materia "México"
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Ítem Asia, The Fourth Transformation and the Global Change of Power(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-19) Laborde, Adolfo Alberto; Maldonado, Marcela; Universidad Anáhuac; Universidad Autónoma de Baja CaliforniaThis paper mainly places Mexico’s national interests within its foreign policy, as part of the transformation context that Mexico is currently undergoing, known as The Fourth Transformation –4T. It takes into account changes in the global balance of power and presents alternatives in this area, which will contribute to their accomplishment. Based on the importance of diversifying international economic trade relationships, as a key factor to eliminate dependence on the North American market, Mexican exports to the American market accounted for 76% of the total exports in 2018 according to the Secretariat of Economy (2019). Consequently, this paper is based on the assumption that “while the country’s political and economic diversification is necessary, there are still no clear strategies, as opposed to the proposals made by our main partners in the world, especially those in Asia (China, South Korea, and Japan), which have recently shown interest in strengthening their ties with Mexico.” To this end, an analysis is conducted using the neorealist approach of international relationships, of the sources of power by Joseph S. Nye Jr. (2011), and of the power transition theory by Tammen (2000).Ítem Cultural and socioeconomic implications of women as a participant in the development and strengthening of economic sectors: a Mexico-China comparative analysis(Universidad EAFIT, 2016-12-29) Tello Prior, Juan Carlos; Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de PueblaÍtem Hacia un catálogo de la obra musical del compositor colombiano Carlos Posada Amador(Universidad EAFIT, 2015-12-04) Rodríguez Álvarez, Luis Carlos; Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede MedellínÍtem Humanitarismo literario y migración forzada: un estudio de Las tierras arrasadas de Emiliano Monge(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Gardeazábal Bravo, CarlosÍtem Intermediate cities: a Mexico-China comparison(Universidad EAFIT, 10-12-19) Neme, Omar; Valderrama, Ana Lilia; Briseño, José Israel; Instituto Politécnico NacionalÍtem Mainstreaming disaster risk management in higher education(Universidad EAFIT, 2016-07-19) Villasana, Marcia; Cárdenas, Bertha E.; Adriaenséns, Marianela; Treviño, Ana Catalina; Lozano, JorgeÍtem Mexico: as close to the United States as to Asia Pacific(Universidad EAFIT, 2015-12-15) Ríos Ballesteros, Kamila AndreaÍtem Mexico’s Finance-Growth Nexus with Trade Openness, FDI and Portfolio Investment: Evidence from VECM Cointegration Analysis(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-02-28) Fukuda, Takashi; Independent researcherÍtem Public images of Mexico in South Korea(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-12-17) Ryzhkov, Andrii; López Rocha, Nayelli; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Universidad NacionalPublic image analysis involves the process of managing a country’s image internationally. Such examination is particularly important to gain an understanding of a policy’s effectiveness in the target country and to reflect S-F / Shutterstock.com 39 MAP | REVISTA MUNDO ASIA PACÍFICO | Vol. 9, No. 17 upon its undesired signals to design positioning strategies in a partner country’s society. Therefore, public opinion surveys are the key to achieving specific desired aims in other societies. This research paper provides hard data to inquire about popular Korean perceptions of Mexico as the main pillar of the latter’s positioning in Asian society. Analysis of the responses reveals several enriching elements that are not highlighted by media images.Ítem Social protection to Childhood towards the Covid-19 pandemic. Policy and institutional implications of the government response from Mexico City(Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12) Culebro, Jorge E.; Hernández, Janeth; Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Cuajimalpa; Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad CuajimalpaThe purpose of the case study is to analyze the response of the government of Mexico City to the crisis derived from COVID-19 and in particular the way it has affected the social protection of children in Mexico during the first months of the pandemic. Regulatory institutional design of social protection for children in Mexico, and particularly in Mexico City, is analyzed, as well as the activities of the government of Mexico City to reduce the impact of the crisis on children. Theoretically and methodologically the article follows the qualitative case study strategy supported by the literature on crisis management and institutional analysis. One of the main findings is found in the existence of regulatory mechanisms and programs from the international to the local level, as well as the weaknesses in the social protection mechanisms against COVID-19; Furthermore, the practical implications are found both in the generation of new lines of research and in the coordination mechanisms between the levels of government.Ítem Technology and the Colombian Fique Industry: Drawing from Latin American Expertise, 1880-1938(Universidad EAFIT, 2018-06-29) Campuzano-Hoyos, Jairo; Universidad EAFITÍtem Territorial competition and personal quality of candidates. A presidential elections analysis in Mexico between 2006 and 2018.(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-10) León, Luis Eduardo; Berasaluce, Julen; Universidad de Guanajuato; Colegio de MéxicoThis research project presents a spatial competition model for Mexican presidential elections based on the effective number of parties and weighted and scalar polarization indices. The model makes it possible to construct a classification of candidates influences based on personality as an remainder unexplained by spatial ideological competition. In addition to classifying the candidates in the last three presidential elections by their personal influence, the authors offer predictions for future balloting based on change in ideological distribution. Suppositions of symmetrical ideological votes and a single dimension were used to build the model.Ítem Validation of an instrument to measure corporate social responsibility in consumers of Mexico(Universidad EAFIT, 2016-09-08) Wendlandt Amezaga, Teodoro Rafael; Álvarez Medina, María Trinidad; Nuñez Ramírez, Marco Alberto; Valdez Pineda, Dina Ivonne