Examinando por Materia "Literatura antioqueña"
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Ítem Los animales en las coplas de "El Cancionero de Antioquia"(Universidad EAFIT, 1999) Vélez, Mauricio; Universidad EAFITÍtem Antioquia literaria: Colección de las mejores producciones de los escritores antioqueños desde 1812 hasta hoy, publicadas e inéditas con reseñas biográficas(Medellín : Imprenta del Estado, 1878) Molina, Juan JoséÍtem Arquetipos femeninos en la narrativa de Francisco de Paula Rendón : un análisis a partir de la novela Inocencia y del cuento “Necrología”(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Escobar Cuartas, Juan Fernando; Pino Posada, Juan PabloThis article aims to analyze the female archetypes represented in the novel Inocencia and the short-story "Necrology" by Francisco de Paula Rendón. This analysis will allow us to obtain a broader vision of the female archetypes in the Antioquia literature produced at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. For this, it will be necessary to make a brief tour of the context in which Rendón developed and then enter into the narrative production, from which the interest falls on the initially mentioned works. Then, it will be necessary to take a look at the concept of archetype developed by Carl Gustav Jung, this will allow to expose some female archetypal manifestations in the literature from the works of Elisabeth Frenzel and Juan Eduardo Cirlot. From there, a base will be consolidated whose analysis will show a female archetypal presence in the Antioqueño literature that is far from those configured in other works of the time in question.