Examinando por Materia "LECTORES"
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Ítem En el lugar de la ficción : una investigación sobre las empatías literarias(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Jaramillo Appleby, Valentina; Pino Posada, Juan PabloÍtem Módulo de talleres El cuento como hilo conductor en el desarrollo de la competencia lectora y las competencias socioemocionales(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Duque Garcés, Paula Andrea; Cardona Zuluaga, Alba PatriciaÍtem Proyecto Leé : proyecto basado en los estudios del comportamiento para fomentar la lectura recreativa en niñas y niños del barrio Bello Oriente(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gómez, Juan Esteban; Jaramillo Arango, Laura; Ospina, Margarita; Cano, Carolina A.This master's thesis in Behavioral Studies from EAFIT University presents a behavioral science-based intervention to promote recreational reading among children in Bello Oriente, Medellín. The central issue is the low reading habit in Colombia, compared to other similarly developed countries. Through this pilot project, we seek to develop activities to increase voluntary and recreational reading. In collaboration with the Waima and Casa Loma foundations, dynamic and pedagogical activities were developed for this community. An interactive diagnosis revealed that children had a positive disposition towards reading but in the practice, they didn’t actually read. The diagnosis was based on the COM-B model by the Behavioral Change Wheel, focusing on functions such as modeling, enablement, and persuasion to promote recreational reading. While the intervention design was based on the MINDSPACE model. In-person sessions included gamification strategies and experiences designed to increase reading engagement. The effectiveness of the intervention was evaluated through individual surveys. Important ethical aspects were considered when working with under-aged subjects, ensuring a safe and respectful environment. Results include an increase in the number of pages read weekly, which contributes to cognitive development and general well-being of the children in Bello Oriente. This approach aims to transform reading into a desirable and accessible activity for all participants, improving their reading skills and quality of life.