Examinando por Materia "Jugos naturales"
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Ítem Estudio de prefactibilidad para la creación de una franquicia de jugos naturales en la ciudad de Bogotá y sus municipios aledaños(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Coca Mayorga, John Edisson; Salazar Gómez, Francisco Javier; Uribe Ochoa, Beatriz AmparoThis document shows the conceptual basis for the creation of a natural juice franchise located in Bogotá, and surrounding municipalities (Chía, Cota, etc.), which was developed under the current conditions of the country and national market and in which trends, consumer habits, and relevant aspects from the Colombian economy and natural beverages sector from recent years, were taking into account. Market, technical, legal, and financial studies were carried out in order to determine the prefeasibility of the project and, once this information was collected it was analyzed and determined that the implementation of this business idea is viable under the current conditions of the country, for which three scenarios were determined as possible from a financial and commercial point of view: A pessimistic one, a feasible, and an optimistic one, from which it was concluded that in the last two (feasible and optimistic) the company should be sustainable in the long-term, financially speaking. Initial financing was raised with indebtedness in traditional banking in a four-year term; however, the possibility remains open for interested investors to disburse seed capital or, as a third and no less important alternative, submit the project to calls by the national Government in order to obtain public funds and be able to execute the project´s development.