Examinando por Materia "Jet fuel"
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Ítem Planificación financiera de las aerolíneas frente a cambios en el precio del jet fuel(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Arango Duque, Daniel; Arias Sánchez, Juan ManuelCurrently, the Colombian aviation industry faces major economic and financial changes. This industry has had an average annual growth of 9% in the last 13 years (2005 to 2018). Its necessary to analyze how sustainable is this growth that generates a high impact on revenues and leads to prioritizing the evaluation of their costs. Some of these can be directly controlled by the companies, while others don’t. In this sense, this paper identifies the variables that affect one of its main costs, fuel consumption, which depends on type of fleet and routes. This item is 33% of the total costs of the airline, making it the most significant, with high volatility, because its price depends on external factors not controllable by the airlines generating a high impact on their financial statements. Financial planning role is implement possible tools to mitigate the changes in the prices of jet fuel. The paper is expected to provide useful information for developing an internal coverage policy, which allows companies to manage market risks that directly impact the costs and cash of an airline.