Examinando por Materia "Internet de las cosas (IoT)"
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Ítem IoT como tendencia : retos y beneficios generados por la implementación de este tipo de soluciones en empresas colombianas del sector de industria y comercio(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Franco Agudelo, Paulo Alejandro; Osorio Lema, Edwin Alexis; Giraldo Hernández, Gina MaríaThe Internet of Things (IoT) has been growing rapidly in the past few years, generating a great amount of applications in different economic sectors, which can be implemented in any Company and any place in the world. Its advantages can’t be denied, nevertheless there are still a few topics and concerns about security and a possible unemployment issue due to the fact that these things can replace human labor for machines or things that can make the same work even more effective. Through an exploratory and descriptive analysis this paper tends to give a context about the tendencies and the evolution of IoT solutions in the past few years. Likewise, identifies the different trends in these kinds of solutions, especially in Colombia, to analyze the problems and advantages companies will have to deal with. Throughout this essay will be introduced situations, cases and explanatory examples, that will let us identify the benefits and dares found during implementing this type of solution.