Examinando por Materia "Insolvencia económica"
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Ítem Causas de insolvencia económica y estrategias para su solución en pequeñas y medianas empresas del calzado en Bogotá: Barrio Restrepo(2018) González Naranjo, Lucio Fernando; Prieto Taborda, Felipe Andrés; Gaitán Riaño, Sandra ConstanzaThe study of the economic causes of insolvency in small and medium enterprises, is considered of great importance due to the high business mortality have been presenting these enterprises in Colombian industry -- This issue has become a key factor for the country's economy that impacts the employment rate and quality of Colombians way of life -- This project seeks to analyze the financial system scheme of small and medium enterprises in the footwear industry in Bogotá - Colombia and generate mitigations strategies -- For this purpose, a survey will be designed and applied to managers of small and medium-sized companies in the industry under study -- For the selection of the sample will be taken as a reference the companies of the footwear industry of Barrio Restrepo neighborhood in Bogota, that in the last two years have presented financial loss and based on the financial statements reported to the Superintendence during 2015 and 2016 -- The result shows that a high percentage of the companies that answered the survey, consider that they have one or more alerts, which if not dealt with properly, can lead them to enter into insolvency groundsÍtem Modelo predictivo de insolvencia empresarial para las pymes en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Castro Espitia, Camilo; Martínez Vargas, Juan David; Sepúlveda Cano, Lina MaríaBusiness insolvency has an economic impact on the affected company and, directly and indirectly, on its suppliers of goods and services. This ends up affecting the general population, who are the consumers of these goods and services. Therefore, it is important to analyze and study the possible factors that lead a company to enter a situation of economic insolvency. In accordance with the above, the objective of this work is to predict business insolvency in the Colombian context for SMEs. Likewise, use will be made of the financial data available from the Superintendency of Companies in the year 2021 and the companies that entered into a situation of economic insolvency in the year 2023. In this way, through financial indicators, it will be possible to construct the explanatory variables. of economic insolvency and achieve a predictive model of economic insolvency. This work is approached as follows: first, information is extracted from the Superintendency of Companies for SMEs in 2021 and companies that entered economic insolvency in 2023 to obtain our objective variable. Then, based on the data obtained, the financial ratios necessary for this study are calculated, using the financial statements of these companies corresponding to the year 2021. Next, the exploratory data analysis is carried out to obtain a broader knowledge of the set. of data and analyze correlation issues between variables, among other aspects. Finally, several machine learning models are designed to determine which one is most appropriate for the case study