Examinando por Materia "Industria textil"
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Ítem Asignación de maquinaria a los operarios de una tintorería, mediante simulación del proceso. Una aplicación de cadenas de Markov(Universidad EAFIT, 2006) Álvarez Villa, Martha Eugenia; Orrego Posada, Ramiro; Universidad EAFITÍtem Estudio del comportamiento del consumo de ropa de las mujeres de Medellín y el Área Metropolitana en tiempos de pandemia y post pandemia(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Muñoz Restrepo, Mariana; Ceballos Ochoa, Lina MaríaThis study aimed to understand the purchasing decision process and the involvement of marketing mix variables (price, place, promotion, and product) in the purchasing process of casual clothing for women between 18 and 36 years old in the Metropolitan Area of Medellin during the pandemic. It also explored whether the post-pandemic period induced changes in the clothing consumption patterns of women in the mentioned age range. An exploratory-descriptive study was conducted using in-depth interviews with ten women who fit the target profile. Despite the inherent limitations of qualitative research (especially in terms of generalization), it was concluded that the product is the main variable in the stages of problem recognition, evaluation of alternatives, and product selection. Promotion was identified as influential in the information search stage, while place was found to play a role in the outcome stage. Price was only mentioned in the problem recognition and alternative evaluation stages and had low impact. Additionally, it was identified that consumption patterns were modified due to increased savings to prepare for future contingencies such as COVID-19. Quality in products and services became a priority for consumers. As a result, it can be concluded that women's clothing brands that can offer quality experiences and products to consumers will achieve better results within the textile industry and enjoy significant competitive advantages.Ítem Ingeniería de calidad: robustez del proceso de urdido en una planta de likra por el método Taguchi(Universidad EAFIT, 1993) Rincón Bermúdez, Rafaél; Universidad EAFITÍtem Inventario del Fondo Bonos y Acciones (1889 - 1928)(Medellín : [s.n], 1889-1928, 2015) Arango, J. L. (Litografía); Fábrica de Baldosas Roca; Compañía Manufacturera de Camisas y Cuellos; Compañía de Impermeables ColombiaEl fondo está conformado por 8 carpetas y 1,945 folios agrupados en las siguientes series documentales: Titulos de Acciones: 8 carpetas para un total de 1,945 folios.Ítem Prefactibilidad para el desarrollo de tecnología vestible para aplicación en salud pública femenina(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Orozco Arboleda, Valentina; Doncel Guzmán, Diana Carolina; Henao Arango, María CeciliaViolence against women is a global problem which has manifested itself in various forms of economic, psychological and physical abuse, with greater visibility nowadays. This project proposes the development and implementation of an innovative wearable technology, as a tool to prevent femicides and promote women's safety in different risk environments, recognizing the need to address gender-based violence and its devastating consequences through prevention, attention, and immediate response. Through this prefeasibility study, the potential of wearable technology will be explored to offer protection and support to women at risk, providing a personal safety tool, which allows promoting a cultural change towards prevention, empowering women and foster a culture of respect, equality and mutual support. The information was obtained from different sources, stakeholders, specialists and knowledgeable individuals, such as government organizations, non-governmental organizations and clothing companies, which allowed for the establishment of statistical tools as support for the research. This degree project aims and hopes to be an element, a tool, a possibility to save lives, protect the dignity, the rights of women and contribute to the construction of safer, more equitable and fair societies for all people.Ítem Remolición del color de lodos provenientes de la industria texAspergillus sp., Lodo, Textil, Colorantes, Industria textil Textile industrytil por Aspergillus sp(Universidad EAFIT, 2006) Peña Serna, Carolina; Tobón Pérez, Yesika V.; Universidad EAFITÍtem Technology and the Colombian Fique Industry: Drawing from Latin American Expertise, 1880-1938(Universidad EAFIT, 2018-06-29) Campuzano-Hoyos, Jairo; Universidad EAFITÍtem Tratamiento de aguas residuales del sector textil mediante proceso acoplado electro-coagulación-electro-oxidación(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Henao Ospina, Natalia; Ramírez Betancur, Steven; Gil Pavas, Edison HernánÍtem Utilización de desechos textiles para la industria de la construcción(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) López Cadavid, Ángela María; Zapata Múnera, Abraham Uriel