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Ítem Análisis de las decisiones financieras en emprendimientos del departamento del Cauca, en contextos de empoderamiento económico(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Cifuentes Albán, Ana María; Rojas Carrero, William Alberto; Vergara Garavito, JudithEntrepreneurship is established as a strategy to boost the growth and development of countries, especially those with economies of transition -- Entrepreneurship is put on stage as an element of social intervention to achieve sustainable development and changes in power relations -- In particular Colombia has made a commitment to entrepreneurship as a driving force for economic and social development, however, there are great challenges to achieve the consolidation of entrepreneurs -- The main cause of the failure of the ventures is the Financial Management of the different business units, in this context, the present study analyzes the basic decisions of investment, financing and operation in the department of Cauca, in order to identify success factors or business failure and lead to better practices that allow the growth and sustainability of the business units and contribution to the economic empowerment of the regionÍtem Análisis financiero integral a la empresa Labs Transporte de Carga S. A. S.(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Suárez Herrera, Ana Liliana; Rincón Torres, Wélmar Fernando; Restrepo Barth. SimónComprehensive financial analysis is a study that considers different aspects relevant to decision making in the efficient use of resources, through the analysis of the financial situation in which the company is located, the projection of strategic scenarios, the evaluation of alternatives, the design of financial policies and the minimization of risks through the application of the results obtained -- The purpose of this paper is to carry out a comprehensive financial analysis of the company LABS Transporte de Carga S.A. S., located in Duitama (Boyacá), since the administration during the development of its operations has not carried it out -- The analysis was carried out from the study of the current situation, through the application of financial analysis techniques and value inductors, to subsequently structure a financial simulation scenario through the projection of the financial statements to three years, through the definition of financial management strategies that contribute to an adequate decision makingÍtem Determinación de la rentabilidad de las inversiones realizadas en Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (I+ D + i) por la empresa Integra S. A.(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Duque Arboleda, Jonathan; Molina Hernández, Yormen Nery; Marín Moreno, César AugustoResearch, Development and innovation (hereinafter RDi) have been strengthened as an engine of business competitiveness in recent years, and this has aroused great interest in the creation of RDi units in the business sector, removing the exclusivity of these units to the academy -- These units have been created not only to investigate, but to generate innovations that add value to their customers and the company itself -- This graduate work analyzes the case of Integra SA, operator of the mass public transport system, Megabús, of the Central West metropolitan area (AMCO), of the city of Pereira, which, since 2009, has been developing RDiactivities focused on the transport sector, through the implementation of projects that have directly impacted the productivity of their internal processes -- Integra S.A. has been characterized since its creation in 2004 for being a visionary company and attentive to world trends, in order to measure itself and become a world-class company; for this reason, in 2011 it established the RDiunit and allocated 2% of the gross profits for investment in these activities; this is confirmed by the administrative and financial manager, María Elena Vélez (2017) -- Integra SA has been characterized by the leadership in the transformation of the transport sector of the region, through active participation in local, regional and national dynamics (2011); this leadership has become one of the factors that has made it possible to plan and direct the development strategies of the transportation industry, in line with the growth and development of the AMCO -- Thanks to its economic efforts, good administrative work and commitment to the constant search for RDi, the company has managed to position itself and has been able to comply with its Strategic Planning 2014-2016 (2013), as demonstrated by Colciencias, which, in resolution 233 of April 4, 2016, granted it recognition as a highly innovative company -- Although the formulation and implementation of projects through the RDiunit has delivered positive results both in the internal processes of the company and in the strengthening of its intellectual capital, and, in addition, these results have positioned Integra SA as the most innovative company in the region and one of the 25 most innovative companies in Colombia, according to the manager of the RDiprocess, César Augusto Marín Moreno (2017), has experienced serious difficulties in determining the profitability of the investments made in these activities, which is why it was identified that the realization of this research has great relevance for the company, since the determination of the profitability generated by investments in RDiis essential to know where to focus Investment efforts. The difficulty presented is that, despite the fact that the company has the relevant information to do this research, it does not have an instrument for measuring profitability that facilitates management decisions directed at this topic; additionally, it does not have a baseline that allows comparative analysis to identify the behavior before and after the implementation of the developments resulting from the investigations, which makes it more complex to determine the financial impact of the innovations implemented within the organization. In addition, one must take into account another exogenous variable that is presented in the measurement of this financial impact: the company can only develop innovations in processes and organizational innovation, since the concession contract requests exclusivity to provide the service of mass transit operator. Megabús passengers (concession contract 002 of 2004), and this causes their innovations to focus only on the company's processes. In spite of being a constant process, at present this operation changes the needs of allocation of personnel and vehicles, reason for which the dynamics of the company, by its constant movement, does not allow easily the comparison of a baseline against another, which creates the need to determine the participation of investments in RDiin the net profitability of the company, to identify if these have generated or destroyed value -- For this, then, the results of the RDiinvestments in the period 2014-2016 were analyzed -- This research, as a tool associated with economic-financial theory, for making investment decisions of a company, was able to identify that the profitability of investments made in Science Technology and innovation by Integra SA in the period 2014-2016 is 10.03% on average for these three yearsÍtem Evaluación financiera de la implementación de un sistema de medidores prepago en la ciudad de Manizales, por parte de la Central Hidroeléctrica de Caldas S.A. ESP. CHEC, determinando la viabilidad del proyecto(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Hincapié Pizza, Edgar Alejandro; Parra Muñoz, Sandra Milena; Ossa Loaiza, Ramón de Jesús; Uribe de Correa, Beatríz AmparoEste proyecto consiste en realizar la evaluación financiera al instalar medidores prepago en el área de cobertura de la Central Hidroeléctrica de Caldas CHEC S.A. ESP, dirigido básicamente a clientes residenciales de estratos 1, 2 y 3 que presentan endeudamiento con la empresa superior a dos meses; con esta estrategia se pretende mejorar la calidad de vida de los usuarios desconectados de la red eléctrica (aquellas personas que se encuentran sin servicio eléctrico), para que de esta forma, obtengan el servicio, cumpliendo así la empresa con sus objetivos estratégicos de responsabilidad social y sostenibilidad de los servicios en la región, todo lo anterior determinado por la viabilidad financiera del proyecto -- El proyecto se basa en la creación de un sistema de prepago eléctrico, el cual consiste en comprar anticipadamente kilovatios hora y luego consumirlos hasta agotar el crédito, de esta forma la CHEC S.A. ESP, se adapta a las condiciones económicas de los clientes y estos a su vez a su capacidad de compra -- Por consiguiente, el presente trabajo pretende determinar la viabilidad financiera del proyecto en cuanto a inversiones a realizar, costos asociados, ingresos e indicadores tales como: valor presente neto, tasa interna de retorno, período de recuperación de la inversión, entre otros,dándole a la CHEC S.A. ESP, herramientas primordiales para la implementación o no de los medidores prepago de energía en su mercadoÍtem Evaluación financiera del negocio de cría y producción de leche de búfalo en la finca "El Porro "(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Piedrahita Calderón, Ana María; Gómez Salazar, Elkin Arcesio; Henao Cálad, MónicaLos búfalos han demostrado tener diferentes características al ganado vacuno; en cuanto a su producción, estos se benefician de un mayor rendimiento (Kg/mes), mejor adaptabilidad al clima y terreno, dieta más variada, mayor precocidad y leche más rica en proteínas y contenido sólido -- Teniendo en cuenta las ventajas de producción mencionadas, se busca evaluar financieramente el negocio de cría y producción de leche de búfalo en la finca El Porro, situada en el departamento de Córdoba, Colombia; la cual se ha venido dedicando al levante de ganado vacuno y ceba de búfalos -- Para el desarrollo del proyecto, primero se identificaron las condiciones de infraestructura, maquinaria y equipos necesarios para el funcionamiento del negocio, luego se definió el monto de las inversiones y costo de la operación, y con esta información, finalmente, se calculó el flujo de caja del proyecto -- Los resultados obtenidos del análisis fueron: Tasa Interna de Retorno esperada para los inversionistas, durante los primeros diez años de operación igual a 11,95%; Valor Presente Neto de (-) $ 14’935.000, a partir de una inversión de $611.280.000y relación Beneficio/Costo de 0,98 -- Por lo anterior, se concluyó que de acuerdo a las expectativas de los inversionistas, la implementación del proyecto no es viableÍtem Impacto de diferentes variables internacionales sobre el índice general de la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) López Álvarez, Juan Fernando; Hurtado, ÁlvaroA lo largo de este trabajo, se estudiará el efecto de las diferentes variables internacionales sobre el IGBC, debido a que actualmente las economías son cada vez más globalizadas e interdependientes, y por ello, un evento ocurrido en un país puede afectar otros países -- Lo anterior, fue evidenciado por la crisis del 2008, cuando los índices bursátiles de las economías del mundo respondieron de manera similar ante choques de magnitud global -- El tipo de análisis que se utiliza es el análisis fundamental, que toma en cuenta múltiples variables de la economía para analizar en este caso, el IGBC -- En las estimaciones realizadas, el principal hallazgo es que el IGBC es más sensible a las variables financieras que a las variables macroeconómicas y que las primeras tienen un impacto significativo en el mismo, mientras que las segundas tienen un efecto aunque significativo, muy poco elástico, es decir, los coeficientes encontrados son muy cercanos a ceroÍtem Modelo de evaluación de riesgo de liquidez de un Fondo de Empleados(2018) Ospina Quintero, Luis Felipe; Pineda Arteaga, Mario Andrés; Pérez Ramírez, Fredy OcarisThe fund of employees currently generates surpluses, as a rule it must dispose part of the resources to compose the liquidity fund with which it must guarantee the timely payment of the obligations acquired with its associates, suppliers, employees and third parties -- The investments of the entity are segregated in different investment concepts duly regulated, however, the autonomy to make investment decisions is managed by the national treasury, this process limits the administration of resources, and prevents an adequate control of these -- Therefore, it is proposed to structure a liquidity risk assessment model in the investments of an employee fund, with the purpose of obtaining a tool that allows the company to make autonomous financial decisions, based on regulatory methodologies and technical decisions that guarantee optimal resultsÍtem Portafolios de inversión ofrecidos por los fondos de pensiones, otra alternativa de Wealth Management(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Sepúlveda Moreno, Katherine; Barón Zuluaga, Mario AlejandroDue to the economic development that has been generating the accumulation of wealth in families, the need has arisen for the management of surpluses and professional financial planning that contributes to better decision-making and patrimonial growth -- This is why this degree work aims to identify whether the portfolios offered by pension funds can be considered as another Wealth Management alternative, for which the Colombian Pension System will be identified, the current situation of the pension funds that are administered by the AFP Pension Fund Management Companies will evaluate the returns offered by these entities to their clients and will review how the AFP invest their resources to obtain returnsÍtem Prácticas de presupuesto de capital: evaluación empírica en un grupo de empresas del sector de la construcción en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Ochoa Yepes, Julián; Mora, Andrés Mauricio; Uribe de Correa, Beatríz AmparoEl análisis empírico de presupuesto de capital o valoración de inversiones ha sido un tema ampliamente estudiado principalmente en países desarrollados como Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y Canadá -- Sin embargo la evidencia en países emergentes es escasa -- Mediante este artículo se pretende dar inicio a evidenciar las prácticas de presupuesto de capital a través de un estudio empírico realizado en un grupo de empresas del sector de la construcción en Colombia -- De las empresas encuestadas se encontró que el 86% de los profesionales usan los métodos más recomendados en la literatura como la Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) y el Valor Presente Neto (VPN), con una mayor inclinación al uso de la TIR (50% siempre la usa) sobre el VPN (36% siempre la usa) -- También se encontró la falta de conocimiento de métodos más avanzados como el de Opciones Reales (OR) pues el 95% no lo conoce -- Finalmente se evidencia como la mayoría de encuestados determina de manera subjetiva la tasa de descuento usada por la empresa, lo que indica una falta de sustentación teórica para determinar una tasa más adecuadaÍtem Reporte financiero Burkenroad / Latinoamérica – Colombia / Riopaila Castilla S.A.(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Eusse Ossa, Lina María; Ramírez Gallo, Edgar David; Gaitán Riaño, Sandra Constanza; Hernández Bonet, Álvaro