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Ítem Análisis de la promoción estratégica dirigida a visitantes: aportes a la construcción de la marca de Ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Sierra Cadavid, Mauricio; Rojas de Francisco, Laura Isabel; Mejía Gil, María ClaudiaMedellin is considered a city that has suffered a social transformation that has allowed to leave behind a reality of violence and insecurity to become an important touristic destination -- This achievement has been partly thanks to initiatives of different actors and organizations that, in their marketing, communication and promotion strategies, have addressed the changing processes of Medellin at sociocultural, innovation and urbanism levels, having effects on city’s residents, forming a network of allies and key actors to promote the city for visitors -- This study began by detecting, through text mining, content analysis of messages published on social networks by social actors that contribute, with their tourism promotion strategies, to the construction of the city's positioning, the strengthening of the Medellin's positive reputation and a validation through the Delphi method, which consisted of conducting a first round with a panel of experts in the area and a second round of survey to people involved in the tourism development of Medellin, with the purpose of identify data on actions, actors and marketing strategies, promotion and disclosure found in social networks that contribute to the transformation of the city -- Thanks to this, it was possible to analyze the impact of the strategic promotion to visitors of the city, on the development of a tourism offer that becomes a success case on contribution to the construction and definition of a City Brand for Medellin, contributing to its positive reputation -- Understanding that, in the development of the city image, it’s necessary to comprehend the representations and imaginaries that inhabitants have about their territory, and that the city culture is reflected in the construction of its own brand -- This work allowed to find that the city has an offer of tourism products and services, formal and informal actors and inhabitant initiatives that contribute to build its image -- Additionally, the messages that shape social dynamics around this offer and those actors are focused on people, their charisma and resilience, giving an account of the social transformation that Medellin has demonstrated and is the one that is forging its reputationÍtem Progresar y civilizar: imaginarios de identidad y élites intelectuales de Antioquia en Euroamérica, 1830-1920(Universidad EAFIT, 2009) Escobar Villegas, Juan Camilo; fonedit@eafit.edu.co