Examinando por Materia "GUERRILLAS - COLOMBIA"
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Ítem Acuerdo final de paz y los derechos a la verdad, reparación y no repetición : estándares internacionales(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Moreno González, Daniel; Álvarez Álvarez, Juan CarlosThe present research starting from a summary of the theoretical conception of transitional justice and subsequent historical recount of the main cases of application in the world and in Colombia to carry out an analysis of the transitional justice system agreed upon by the Government of Colombia and the FARC-EP in the Final Peace Agreement of 2016, specifically in the hypothesis of early acceptance of responsibility before the Special Justice for Peace by those most responsible for serious violations of human rights, international humanitarian law and crimes of war, in order to determine if the benefits granted there respect the rights to truth, reparation and non-repetition of the victims.Ítem Una aproximación a la relación conflicto armado y demanda turística internacional en Colombia (1994-2014)(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Bravo Banda, Maryeidis; Henao Duque, Juan FernandoÍtem ¿Cómo el cese al fuego en las negociaciones del proceso de paz con las FARC afectó la percepción de confianza hacia las instituciones de la población colombiana?(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) González González, Valeria; Moreno Botero, Catalina; Suárez Obando, Gabriel Jaime; Gómez Toro, CatalinaÍtem Los consejos territoriales de reincorporación : escenarios para la construcción de confianza.(2018) Caicedo Gallego, Paula Andrea; Vargas Sáenz, Mario EnriqueThe Territorial Councils of Reincorporation are one of the instances created in the Final Agreement for Peace in Colombia, to territorialize the reincorporation; they are made up of FARC members and government representatives -- The present work seeks to identify the factors that affect the construction of trust between the parties for the development of this scenario, through a case analysis of the Territorial Council of Reincorporation of Cauca, to provide recommendations to this instance and the 26 that currently exist in ColombiaÍtem Los efectos de corto plazo del acuerdo de paz con las FARC sobre el desempeño académico de los jóvenes en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Abril Gómez, Sandra Verónica; Berrío Montoya, Susana; Muñoz, Juan CarlosÍtem Estimación de los efectos de las áreas protegidas en Colombia : un enfoque desde el conflicto armado interno y la pobreza (1993-2005)(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Calle Gómez, Humberto; Fiallo Acevedo, Santiago; Gómez Toro, Catalina; Zapata Tamayo, PabloProtected areas have been conceived as a powerful instrument to generate mechanisms for the protection and conservation of the environment, the declaration of these areas generates important impacts on the dynamics of the communities that surround them because, although they prevent these individuals from generating actions to exploit the territories, they can also prove to be important sources of income such as tourism. Colombia appears to be a case of major interest in the study of this type of zone in relation to the efects it may have on their communities, this is due to the fact that this country enjoys a vast territory with diferent thermal oors and a large number of natural areas that have been declared protected by the State, however, Colombia turns out to be even more particular because the internal armed con ict that it has experienced throughout its history has made the State's presence in certain territories difcult, therefore it is necessary to estimate whether the declaration of protected areas has generated impacts taking into account this problem of governance or whether, on the contrary, these declarations have had no impact as the presence of groups is taken into account.Ítem La fuerza como vicio de la voluntad interpretada a partir de los principios que integran el bloque de constitucionalidad y fundamentan la acción de restitución de tierras : un estudio a partir de la sentencia sustitutiva dada por la Corte Suprema de Justicia a propuesta de cambio del derecho de las obligaciones como respuesta al conflicto armado colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Jaramillo Cardona, Jose Ignacio; Giraldo Vélez, Martín; Isaza Ramírez, EstebanÍtem Guerra civil y Estado : una revisión a la incompatibilidad de dos conceptos = Civil war and State : a review of the incompatibility of two concepts(Universidad EAFIT, 2011-03) Fortou R., José Antonio; Universidad EAFITÍtem La guerra como medio, objeto y antítesis del derecho : una aproximación a la guerra civil de 1859-1862 en la Confederación Granadina(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Londoño Sierra, Sebastián; López Lopera, Liliana MaríaÍtem Impacto del cese al fuego con las Farc en la capacidad sancionatoria ambiental del Estado colombiano(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Salas Zapata, Walter Alfredo; Possso Suárez, Christian ManuelÍtem La JEP y la extradición : análisis jurisprudencial de la garantía de no extradición en casos de narcotráfico conexos con los delitos políticos, solicitados por los Estados Unidos en la Sección de Revisión del Tribunal Especial para la Paz (2018- 2020)(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Mejía Ramírez, Valeria; Dávila, Luis FelipeÍtem Las mujeres en la guerra : imágenes, guerra y conflicto armado en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Gallón Giraldo, Laura Milena; Bonilla Vélez, Jorge IvánThe objective of this work is to problematize the gender category in war’s visuality. In this sense, it investigates, in the first place, the ways in which the participation of women in the war was narrated by means of a journey throughout some historical and literary accounts of antiquity and the Middle Ages and some visual testimonies of the gender in photographs of World War II press. All of this with the intention of highlighting the complexities to which the narration of women and the representation of gender has been subject based on the roles they assume, the position in which they are found and the place from which they are narrated. In this way, we introduce the importance of a broader approach to the issue through the study of images and visual studies. Then, the work is focused on the armed conflict and the transition to peace in Colombia to analyze the visuality of gender in press photographs of women in the roles of victims and combatants and ask: what does gender tell us about war in the country? Moreover, in what way does gender constitute a category capable of reinforcing the invisibility of tragedy and pain?Ítem El Plan Colombia como estrategia de formación de estado = Plan Colombia As A Strategy For State Formation(Universidad EAFIT, 2010-07) Vásquez Melo, María Teresa; Universidad EAFITÍtem La relación entre la reincorporación económica y los cultivos de uso ilícito en los departamentos de Caquetá, Meta y Nariño (2018-2020)(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Burgos Sánchez, Valentina; Vélez Zapata, SaraÍtem Satisfacción con la vida de los colombianos y el Acuerdo de Paz(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Correa Mejía, Pamela; Velásquez Osorio, Andrés; Gómez Toro, CatalinaÍtem La violencia sexual en marco del conflicto armado y su tratamiento en los procesos de justicia transicional en Colombia : una propuesta para su priorización en la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Lopera Henao, Mariana; Roldán Concha, Sara María; Toro Valencia, José Alberto