Examinando por Materia "Fuerza de ventas"
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Ítem Venta directa : la energía como competencia laboral indispensable para el éxito(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Puentes Gulfo, Lilian Karina; Sánchez Zuluaga, Dairon Augusto; Mejía Gil, Maria Claudia; Ceballos Ochoa, Lina MaríaThis research focuses on the relationship between competences of sellers and the achievement of superior sales performance applied to Marketing Personal S. A., with the purpose of consolidating a selection profile based on the competencies identified. The study is based on a qualitative and descriptive methodology with a competency test and in-depth interviews with 16 area managers who had superior commercial management during the year 2017. The results show that the competencies required to select area managers with high sales potential are: energy, self-confidence, ego strength, achievement motivation and persuasion. Which should be complemented with skills such as resilience, assertive communication, conflict management and emotional intelligence.