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Ítem Caracterización del reporte de la satisfacción con la vida de las mujeres en Colombia (2009-2016)(Universidad Eafit, 2019) Peláez Madrigal, Natalia; Gómez Toro, CatalinaIn the last years, life satisfaction has been one of the main topics in economic research, at the point of becoming a relevant social progress indicator, specially por public policy makers. Likewise, female empowerment is a reality that has strengthen over the years, that nowadays permeates all areas of society. That´s why the present study intends to have an approximation to the main variables that determine life satisfaction for Colombian citizens, controlling mainly by the gender factor. For this, an order model was made, taking data from the public opinion polls from LAPOP. Results propose a negative relationship between being woman a reporting the highest life satisfaction status.Ítem Determinantes del bienestar subjetivo en Colombia : un enfoque desde la economía de la felicidad(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Mora Restrepo, Sofía; Muñoz Mora, Juan CarlosTraditional economic indicators are not enough to measure well-being and economic development, as they ignore subjective dimensions that are important for quality of life and well-being in the long run. Using a linear regression model with fixed effects, this work analyzes the determinants of the levels of subjective well-being, or happiness, in Colombia for the years 2018, 2019 and 2020. The analysis shows that there is a relationship between income and subjective well-being. However, the contribution of income, as well as that of traditional objective socioeconomic variables, to the change in subjective well-being is relatively small compared to the contribution of the individual's perceptions of his or her socioeconomic conditions and situation.Ítem El incremento de la felicidad y bienestar subjetivo del adulto mayor: la importancia de la cultura y el fortalecimiento de las redes sociales en el programa REDCUNA (Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Paternina Mecías, Johon Arturo; Vargas Sáenz, Mario EnriqueIn recent years, subjective well-being and happiness have become important as indicators of social development, to such an extent that they have been included in the design of public policies and social programs or projects. This new approach has been a challenge for the managers of this type of initiative, due to its subjective nature. In this context, Social Management offers a series of tools, so that both State and citizens share responsibilities for the achievement of a better well-being and happiness. In order to determine the influence of Social Management in the achievement of these objectives, the present study seeks to analyze, through the REDCUNA foundation, the effects that have generated their actions in a group of elders. This analysis is based on the perception that this group has about the activities, the leadership of the foundation and the volunteer network. The results suggest that community participation is a fundamental factor in meeting the needs of the population. Thereby, their participation in the project leads to the increase of subjective well-being and happiness through the preservation of cultural traditions, the generation and strengthening of social relationships and the preservation of functionality levels through healthy competition.Ítem Isaiah Berlin y su homenaje a Mill = Isaiah Berlin And His Tribute To Mill(Universidad EAFIT, 2010-01) Olarte M., Marcela; Universidad EAFITÍtem La felicidad en el trabajo como dispositivo de manipulación para el incremento de la productividad(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Monsalve Zapata, Jennifer; Moreno Valero, Fabian; Sanín Posada, AlejandroThis article critically examines the growing emphasis on workplace happiness and its potential use as a manipulation tool in organizations. Happiness is a complex and ambiguous concept, with multiple definitions that make its scientific study difficult. However, it has sparked great research interest and has been linked to better organizational performance and productivity. The article analyzes whether these happiness initiatives really operate as manipulation devices. Through a content analysis in 4 companies, practices promoted in the name of happiness are identified that could constitute manipulation mechanisms such as: use of reasoning, personal charm, carryover and halo effects, good humor and rewards. The findings suggest that the pursuit of happiness can be distorted in the service of organizational agendas. It is concluded that further research and ethical application of this knowledge is required to avoid falling into manipulative practices.Ítem Movilidad sostenible y felicidad(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Rojas Lopera, Vanessa; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanThis research aims to examine the influence of deliberate use of sustainable conmute in the perception of happiness of some people in the Aburrá valley -- From a qualitative method framed in an ethnographic intent and conducting interviews -- The results indicate that the perception of happiness is influenced by the use of sustainable commute due to the various connections between the reasons for participants to choose this type of mobility among which are: efficiency, freedom, care environmental and health careÍtem Proceso de ASC - ¿COMO (NO) VIVIR? RESPRESENTACIONES LITERARIAS DE LA VIDA BUENA(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Pino Posada, Juan Pablo; Universidad EAFITEl presente proyecto de investigación se propone rastrear diversas representaciones literarias de la vida buena (feliz, lograda, auténtica, con sentido, etc.). En concreto, se sirve del planteamiento sociológico contemporáneo de una vida en resonancia (Hartmut Rosa) para rastrear tematológicamente en obras de la literatura universal articulaciones narrativas, poéticas y ensayísticas de experiencias de resonancia o de su contrario.Ítem Suicidio, condición económica y satisfacción con la vida(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Uribe Otero, Laura; Gómez Toro, CatalinaThe measure of happiness has begun to call the interest of managers in public policies, which should generate policies to improve the quality of life and satisfaction with the lives of individuals. This study analyzes the relationship between satisfaction with life of the inhabitants of a country based on its suicide rate and other related socioeconomic variables, with data taken from the World Bank, the OECD, and the happy planet index. To find this relationship, a model of ordinary least squares is made in which it is found that the relationship between suicide rate and satisfaction with life is negative and shows the implications of the other variables taken into account in the study.Ítem Vivienda propia un determinante para el bienestar subjetivo según la ECVM 2015(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Quintero Chávez, Édgar Andrés; Gómez Gómez, Javier