Examinando por Materia "Factores ASG"
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Ítem Análisis de inversiones sostenibles en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Marín Quiroga, Jorge Enrique; Howard Hernández, Rachel Catalina; Vergara Garavito, Judith CeciliaSocial responsibility and its close relationship with the economic and financial behavior of the multiple investments that are traded daily in the different markets, has been one of the concepts that are being included in the different analyzes for investor decision-making due to to the environmental, social and corporate governance approach (Responsible Investments). The so-called green bonds are attractive to investors, mainly due to the fulfillment of the UN's sustainable development objectives, which imply strengthening the responsible growth of their banks and improving their corporate image. Sustainable investments would imply more competitive interest rates in the market for investors. Colombia will improve its image before entities such as the IDB and IFC by demonstrating that it is managing sustainable projects and in this way it will attract the attention of foreign investors who buy responsible investments as a requirement of many funds worldwide. This study aims to analyze the behavior of sustainable investments versus traditional investments to inform the advantages they have and their profitable application.Ítem Incidencia de los factores ASG (Ambientales, Sociales y de Gobernanza) sobre el costo de la deuda a través del análisis multivariante aplicado a las empresas colombianas incluidas en el índice global de sostenibilidad del Dow Jones (DJSI) para el periodo 2016-2019(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Mosquera Morán, Jesús; Villa Guzmán, Jennifer; Vergara Garavito, Judith CeciliaThe proposed research topic is contextualized in the equity market, being the interest to study Colombian companies that incorporate ESG factors (environmental, social and governance) in their operations, taking into account the importance that sustainable investments have been acquiring not only nationally but globally, as a product of environmental trends that have transcended to different instances including the financial markets. Given that in general terms the analysis of stock markets is oriented either to profitability or risk, the bet of this research is to focus on this second dimension, trying to show through multivariate analysis or multiple regression, whether indeed the fact that companies incorporate ESG factors is reflected in a lower cost debt or financing acquired, that is, they imply lower levels of risk that can lead investors to have preferences for these companiesÍtem La sostenibilidad en las compañías colombianas : un análisis desde el deber fiduciario y los códigos corporativos(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Alemán Vásquez, Elisa; Jiménez Molina, Carolina; Toro Valencia, José Alberto