Examinando por Materia "Estudios de prefactibilidad"
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Ítem Estudio de prefactibilidad de un proyecto inmobiliario en el municipio de Itagüí(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Álvarez Ruíz, Jaime Alberto; Alzate Restrepo, Andrés Mauricio; Tobar Guinand, José MauricioÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad para el desarrollo de un sistema férreo entre Medellín y el Urabá antioqueño(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Hernández Alemán, Santiago; Cardona Valencia, Alejandro; Henao Arango, María CeciliaThe prefeasibility study for the development of a rail system between Medellin and Urabá, it's a proposal that arises from the need to optimize costs, times and security risks of passengers and cargo transportation between the coast and the center of the country; which is based on the short and medium-term projection, of the re-invigoration of the port infrastructure in the Gulf of Urabá -- This work aims at providing criteria that allows making correct decisions at early stages of the project, regarding the investment of new resources in future phases -- To achieve this objective, guidelines from United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), will be taken as a reference -- This academic exercise, will take elements of the pre-investment, investment and operation phases, in order to have an extensive point of view of what will be the execution of the project in its development cycle -- This work will be divided into five sections, where the activities that will be developed in each of them, have a common and specific purpose -- By examining the results of these activities jointly, the data will be consolidated, and therefore taking an secure investment positionÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad para la Empresa Grid S.A.S.(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Villegas Londoño, Manuel; Cadavid González, César Augusto; Uribe de Correa, Beatriz AmparoPrefeasibility studies are used to reduce uncertainty when is wanted to reach an unknown market with either a business idea, product, service or new company, this study gives a preliminary idea of how the behavior of the product, service or company will be in terms of: market penetration capacity (market study), technical requirements to support the service (technical study) and financial viability (financial study) -- In the present document a pre-feasibility study was carried out for a business idea in the healthcare sector, with which any person with access to internet will have the possibility of accessing a portal where he can find a wide range of health services, from the simplest treatment to naturopathic medicine -- In addition to the pre-feasibility study developed in this document, the author recommends starting first with a service that is well known by the founding partners and that will give an idea of how the market will behave with this type of offer; the service that will be offered in the first instance will be dentistryÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad para un proyecto de apertura de una nueva sede comercial de la empresa Uniples S.A. en la ciudad de Cali(2018) Bustamante Rendón, Juliana; Díez Benjumea, Jhon MiguelÍtem Prefactibilidad para el desarrollo de tecnología vestible para aplicación en salud pública femenina(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Orozco Arboleda, Valentina; Doncel Guzmán, Diana Carolina; Henao Arango, María CeciliaViolence against women is a global problem which has manifested itself in various forms of economic, psychological and physical abuse, with greater visibility nowadays. This project proposes the development and implementation of an innovative wearable technology, as a tool to prevent femicides and promote women's safety in different risk environments, recognizing the need to address gender-based violence and its devastating consequences through prevention, attention, and immediate response. Through this prefeasibility study, the potential of wearable technology will be explored to offer protection and support to women at risk, providing a personal safety tool, which allows promoting a cultural change towards prevention, empowering women and foster a culture of respect, equality and mutual support. The information was obtained from different sources, stakeholders, specialists and knowledgeable individuals, such as government organizations, non-governmental organizations and clothing companies, which allowed for the establishment of statistical tools as support for the research. This degree project aims and hopes to be an element, a tool, a possibility to save lives, protect the dignity, the rights of women and contribute to the construction of safer, more equitable and fair societies for all people.