Examinando por Materia "Estrategias de cobertura"
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Ítem Impacto financiero a través del uso de coberturas con Forward para una empresa exportadora de servicios BPO en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Martínez Osorio, Valery Tatiana; Marín Orozco, Stivenson; Cardona Llano, Juan FelipeColombia has had a financial derivatives market for over 20 years, and for approximately ten years, there has been a trading platform for standardized instruments (Hernández, 2018). Despite this, the participation of companies in this sector has been very low. Consequently, it is necessary to conduct a financial analysis to determine the impact generated by the use of forwards in foreign trade operations. This analysis allows for the identification of how this financial instrument contributes to minimizing exchange rate risk and ensuring the financial efficiency of a company. It is worth noting that the efficient use of these derivatives can contribute to minimizing the exchange rate risk faced by companies in the BPO sector from 2019 to 2022. It also enables them to experience less uncertainty, providing stability in their revenues and cash flow projections. This, in turn, helps ensure the normal development of business units.