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Ítem Formato digital – contenido tradicional : el derecho y los retos regulatorios que trae el internet y las nuevas tecnologías de la información en la era digital(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Ramón Usuga, Lusiana; Quintero Salazar, Juanita; Restrepo Soto, DanielThe purpose of this article is to study the evolution of the concept of law and how in recent years it has gone from being rigid, static, and traditional to being more flexible and dynamic, due to its social construction and the increase and influence of new information technologies. What has this brought to law in terms of the scope and sufficiency of traditional regulations, and what are the challenges and questions that these great technologies have left to legal institutions? The beginning of this article is a compilation, in general terms, of what has been the traditional conception of law and the transformation it has undergone as a social construct. The latter is influenced by economic, social, and cultural factors of a globalized world driven by the internet and the use of new information technologies. At this point, it will be evident the relevance that modern concepts such as metaverse, intellectual property, artificial intelligence, and LegalTech have taken in recent years. Concepts that are accompanied by risks, gaps, and conflicts, and which in turn are encompassed in the same cause: the digitization of information. This article points, always, to the fact that we are and will be an eminently digital society and to the importance of information technology and the tools it offers. It is assumed that technology will continue to have an impact on the training, educational, and application areas of law because traditional methods limit the functioning and development of an advanced society. A society that demands answers, and this is where international and transnational law, technology transfer, and functional equivalents could have an impact, components that are offered as possible solutions to the challenges brought about by digitalization.