Examinando por Materia "Envejecimiento"
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Ítem Análisis de los programas de adulto mayor en Sabaneta y sus beneficios en la salud física, cognitiva y psicológica(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Sánchez Henao, Natalia; Jiménez Londoño, Laura María; Ceballos García, Grey YulietÍtem Dynamics of the Korean population since 1960 and its relationship with the demographic transition(Universidad EAFIT, 2016-06-30) Toro Restrepo, Sebastian; Palacios Murillo, Eumary; Universidad EAFITÍtem Envejecimiento termo-oxidativo de asfaltos(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Gamarra Escamilla, AdrianaÍtem Human ageing as a catalyst for managementand its teaching(Universidad EAFIT, 2006) Castrillón-Orrego, Sergio A.; Universidad EAFITÍtem Las representaciones sociales de la vejez y el envejecimiento en dos grupos de mujeres : jóvenes y adultas mayores de la U. Eafit de Medellín.(2018) Miranda Ávila, Laura Alejandra; Gálvez Ortiz, Claudia Alejandra VictoriaThe present investigation was carried out during the years 2017 and 2018. The part of the concept of social representations about old age and aging as the way to obtain the knowledge of the conventional reality and accessible to a common sense as a socially elaborated production, like a starting point of the meaning arising from social interaction. The information was obtained from surveys, interviews and observation of groups of women: young people from 18 to 25 years old and older than 50 to 60 years of the Eafit University, based on a qualitative approach. The main findings indicate that there is a difference in relation to perception, attitude and the figurative core with respect to the current moment of life, and that it is not the same to be in the stage of youth to the stage of old age. In addition, the difficulty of generalizing the characteristics of life in human beings must be taken into account, just as each person reaches adulthood with the various learning activities acquired in the socio-cultural contexts in which they develop. The characteristics that appear in the relationship between psychological functions and cognitive functions are shown differently in each individualÍtem Significación de la experiencia de envejecer de un grupo de personas viejas de clase media de la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Robledo Marín, Carlos Arturo; Orejuela Gómez, Johnny Javier