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Ítem Asegurando la sostenibilidad financiera : implementación de buenas prácticas de gobierno al interior de Jardín Exotics(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Polanía Marín, Santiago; Téllez Falla, Diego FernandoThis work addresses the implementation of corporate governance in Jardín Exotics, an avocado and gulupa export company that has six shareholder. The implementation must be carried out considering the particularities of the agricultural sector and addressing key aspects such as transparency, accountability, generational changes, roles and responsibilities of the shareholders, promoting sustainability, operational and financial efficiency, the latter aimed at the financial sustainability of the company through increasingly competitive and profitable sales prices in Europe. The study seeks to strengthen strategic decision making and improve the management of the company's management positions through group interviews, analysis of cases that occurred in the past and application of expert theories that can be applicable to the company and that allow for correct implementation of corporate governance.Ítem Incidencia del gobierno corporativo en el desempeño financiero colombiano : estudio de caso Celsia, Empresa de Servicios Públicos(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Cano Agudelo, Elizabeth; Mejia Jaramillo, AlejandroIn a State with a need to encourage internal and external investment, in an environment of political and legal instability, and at the same time with a growing need to combat corruption, corporate governance practices have gained importance in the country's culture, as well as in the interest of entrepreneurs, as they represent an essential element in current business management. The implementation of these good practices and the basic principles of corporate governance have a favorable impact on an organization, since it contributes to the generation of an environment of trust in the company by establishing standards and control mechanisms in aspects such as governance and management structures, transparency, disclosure and dissemination of information. The incorporation of these measures tends to a more efficient administration and management of the companies, stimulating, therefore, the best financial performance. The objective of this study is to identify the impact of the implementation of corporate governance on the financial performance of the company Celsia S.A E.S.P., through the identification of the existence of a positive relationship between the compliance index (of corporate governance) and the measures of profitability of assets and patrimony, used for this purpose statistical modelsÍtem Relación entre la implementación de buenas prácticas de gobierno corporativo y el costo de la emisión de deuda : caso Interconexión Eléctrica ISA S.A.(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Agudelo Zuluaga, Simón; Saldarriaga Sierra, David; Mejía Jaramillo, AlejandroIn a country with an illiquid capital market, unstable legal and political protection and high corruption indexes, and where most of the investors are foreign, takes a lot of importance for companies to give confidence to investor through the implementation of corporate governance practices, guided by the survey that the Superintendencia Financiera Colombian has had created. Today Colombian companies are the first among the Latin-American companies to be listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability index. This research has as main objective to identify the actual relation between the implementation of corporate governance practices and the cost of debt by Interconnection Electric SA (ISA) by creating a corporate governance index and the correlation between the cost of debt and key financial indicators.