Examinando por Materia "Empleo informal"
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Ítem Análisis del informe “Estudios Económicos de la OCDE : Colombia 2019” y la Ley Laboral Colombiana en la formalidad como Índice de calidad laboral : ¿son los lineamientos de la OCDE una solución realista?(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Jaramillo Gamba, Daniela; Múnera Posada, Armando“OECD” is an international cooperation organization that pursues the objective - through recommendations - to improve in his states members the obtain of good practices in the implementation of economic and social policies in order to improve the quality of life. Based on the report made in Colombia in 2019 were the OECD conclude that job quality is a determining factor of quality life, regarding to this it recommended to intervene in the phenomenon of labor informality. (OECD, 2019) This paper intent to research and analyze which are the Colombian regulations on this matter and hopefully, we expect to define how realistic are this OECD recommendations and the impact that might generatedÍtem Formalización laboral y acceso a la pensión de vejez: el efecto de la informalidad laboral en el Sistema Pensional Colombiano(2018) Pérez Restrepo, Ana Gabriela; Toro Rodríguez, Andrés; Piedrahíta Vargas, CamiloCurrently in Colombia, a debate is taking place about the pension system sustainability, in this debate is often to talk about the small number of pensioners in relation to those who should receiving a pension because of their age -- Additionally, the financial structure of the system is often discussed due to the high pension subsidies granted by the Prima Media Regime, as well as its inequitable nature -- One of the main arguments used to argue the unsustainability of the system is the labor informality high rating that it is because of this factor that the system does not have enough incomes to maintain and that is why it is not working -- This paper seeks to examine the veracity of those arguments and what is really the effect of the high percentage of informal workers in the pension systemÍtem Microseguro para contingencias que implican aislamiento(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Miranda García, Nathalia; Ramírez Bedoya, Juliana; Peña Higuavita, Germán AdolfoThe general objective of the present document is to present the design of the financial structure of a protection microinsurance in contingency situations that imply isolation, focused on impoverished population segments that are engaged in informal employment in Pereira. To achieve this, a systemic structure was proposed, that begins with a bibliographic review, characterization and diagnosis of the target population, then financial projections, sales statistics and average premiums was made, through Bayesian credibility as an instrument for establishing the premium. The initial diagnosis allowed to do a humanized x-ray of street vendors in Pereira, their financial dynamics and the pertinent market study for access to microinsurance, with elements of financial inclusion. Financial projections through Bayesian credibility theory adapted to the universe of microinsurance establishes alternative models for the identification of premiums, considering collective premiums as a unit of measurement and approach. Ultimately, the document shows that a pedagogical contribution is necessary for the introduction of families in the financial universe, for this reason it proposes an educational act in the sales process with the capacity to sustain and encourage itself in the post-sale process.Ítem Propuesta de un esquema de financiación de vivienda para no bancarizados(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) De Valdenebro Cajiao, Marcela; Baca Suárez, Edmond David; Trespalacios Carrasquilla, AlfredoSe propone un esquema de financiación de vivienda a través de microcrédito que se ajuste a la realidad del flujo de ingresos de la población económicamente activa que no tiene un empleo formal o está en situación de vulnerabilidad y se encuentra excluida del sector financiero tradicional en Colombia -- En la investigación y análisis de los casos nacionales e internacionales de instituciones de microfinanzas (IMF) que ofrecen soluciones para financiación de vivienda, adecuación o autoconstrucción para los más pobres, se resaltó la participación y contribución del sector microfinanciero para el desarrollo económico y social de las poblaciones desfavorecidas económicamente -- Cabe resaltar que no solo es el sector financiero quien ha adoptado soluciones de microfinanciamiento, pues el sector real gracias a estas prácticas no solo ha logrado impulsar líneas de negocio, sino que también ha logrado recuperar y llegar a nichos de mercado que no habían sido tenidos en cuenta -- Con el objeto de adaptar un esquema de financiación para el sistema financiero en Colombia, se analizan las brechas en cada uno de estos casos con el fin de identificar la forma de superar las barreras -- Con esto se propone un modelo que sea atractivo para la entidad financiera, viable para los inversionistas y pertinente para los usuarios -- Finalmente, se modela para diferentes escenarios, con el objetivo de identificar las condiciones necesarias para viabilizar el esquema planteado teniendo en cuenta los intereses de los diferentes actores