Examinando por Materia "EMPLEO (TEORÍA ECONÓMICA)"
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Ítem Descubriendo la distribución espacial de comercio en ciudades con economías informales(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Saldarriaga Marín, Juan Camilo; Duque Cardona, Juan CarlosAn economic census aims to record economic activity in a city by collecting geo-referenced survey data. Although its benefits are significant, the costs are very high and, for this reason, it is very rare that the economic census information is up to date and complete. In this work we propose a new methodology to detect and georeference the visible commercial activity in a city or region in an efficient way, generating automated reports of visible commercial activity in a region of interest. This methodology tries to estimate the spatial distribution that allows having an economic census but only for visible commerce. We contrast the results of our methodology with official information from the Chamber of Commerce to estimate the spatial distribution of informal visible commerce or unregistered commerce in the municipality of Envigado.Ítem Determinantes de la brecha salarial entre el empleo formal e informal en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Manco Rivera, Cristian Camilo; Canavire Bacarreza, Gustavo JavierÍtem Efectos de la devaluación del peso colombiano sobre la actividad del sector minero en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Lasso Orjuela, Diego Andrés; Vergara Garavito, Judith CeciliaOne of the most important pillars of the Colombian economy is mining, which contributes greatly to the generation of value, which is then reflected in investment, sources of employment, and development. Unfortunately, a global economy is positively affected by economic events worldwide, which is quickly evident in the behavior of the local currency, also becoming the main indicator in business decision-making. In such a way it is essential what are the effects of the devaluation of the Colombian peso against the income generated by mining in Colombia. Through an analysis of such variables, it is intended to propose a mathematical model that manages to define if they have any relationship and if there is, what are their most important characteristics.Ítem Effects of job training on labor formality : evidence from a pay-for-success program in Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Cardona Rodriguez, Michael Alberto; Chaparro Cardona, Juan Camilo; García Cruz, Gustavo AdolfoÍtem Estudio sobre el ecosistema de la venta ambulante en la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Gaviria García, Laura; Palacio Puerta, Andrés Felipe; Piedrahita Gil, Juan David; Acevedo Mejía, Érika CristinaThe worldwide street vending model has represented a source of income and product marketing on city roads, which has had an impact on the economy, social dynamics and the workplace. Referring to the city of Medellín, the phenomenon of street vending has always been framed in a duality between formality and informality, in addition, between being seen as a problem for the social environment or an employment solution. Street vendors are found in various sectors of the city, especially the points with the highest pedestrian and vehicular traffic, where various products are sold, including coffee for immediate consumption. In order to provide information 2 from the perspective of street coffee vending as a source of income and as a business opportunity, this research was carried out with the objective of knowing the ecosystem of street vending in the city of Medellín, with a qualitative approach, throw 6 in-depth interviews carried out with street vendors and a field observation of more than 15 mobile points of sale. Among the findings found, it is possible to highlight the profile of the street vendor from his personal and family environment, being classified into two segments according to how he performs his work and, in turn, two types of coffee sales were identified on the road.Ítem El impacto del incremento en el salario mínimo en el empleo de las diferentes ocupaciones en los principales sectores económicos de Colombia entre 2021 y 2023(Universidad Eafit, 2023) Alzate Laverde, Andrea; Cardenas Carmona, Daniel; Chaparro Cardona, Juan CamiloIn this study, an analysis of the labor market situation in Colombia will be conducted from 2021 to June 2023. Similarly, it will estimate how increases in the minimum wage impact employment in Colombia for the main occupations of workers in the country, especially in the most economically relevant sectors in terms of the number of workers they generate. This study will be carried out using a sample of data extracted from the Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares on the population of employed individuals in the Colombian labor market. It will be analyzed through descriptive statistics to assess the situation of workers, such as income levels, occupational positions, formal and informal employment, and their distribution across economic sectors. Finally, through the use of panel data, the sensitivity of employment in economic sectors to changes in the minimum wage will be estimated, and the results will be studied based on the classical economic theory of perfect and imperfect competitive markets. Heterogeneity is observed among different sectors and occupations, which is important to consider in the analysis. For some labor submarkets, the wage employment elasticity is negative, which is consistent with the understanding of markets closer to perfect competition, especially in the hotel and education sectors. For other submarkets, the wage-employment elasticity is positive, indicating the presence of imperfect competition and companies with market power, as is the case in the trade and manufacturing sectors.Ítem Impacto del régimen subsidiado de salud sobre la informalidad en Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Duque Baquero, Sara; Ospina, Mónica PatriciaOne of the main problems of the labor market in developing countries is the high rates of informality. Among its multiple causes, both the theory and the empirical evidence suggest that the implementation of some of the social programs of the State create a scenario in which individuals have no incentives to formalize or tend to migrate towards this type of employment relationship. Considering this, this article evaluates the impact of elegibility to the Subsidized Health System (RSS) in the decision to belong to the formal or informal sector of the economy. Using data from the Medellin Quality of Life Survey for 2017, a quasi-experimental impact evaluation model (Discontinuous Regression - RDD) was estimated, from which it could be established that being eligible for RSS has no effect on the decision to participate in the labor market but on the probability of being informal.Ítem Industria de contenido para adultos : protección de derechos laborales, vacío jurídico que tiene esta modalidad de trabajo(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Barth Mejía, Manuela; Gallego Valencia, Catalina; Múnera Posada, ArmandoThis monograph is based on the lack of labor protection for workers on virtual adult content platforms and webcam models, as well as the legal gaps in this modality. Throughout this, the existing jurisprudence on the subject in the last 4 years will be analyzed, based on the Constitutional Court's Milestone ruling ST-109 of 2021, in which important concepts for webcam models in a state of pregnancy are expanded and developed. In addition, it will go through international norms and principles to then land on the most specific contender for national regulations to end up locating ourselves in the analysis of the lack of protection of webcam models and workers of these platforms in Medellín. The work modalities that include broad and diverse activities will be identified, not only focused on sexual development on virtual adult content platforms, so that way an analogy can be achieved in the hiring models for greater labor protection without neglecting the minimum benefits for the employer.Ítem Informalidad : definiciones, causas y propuestas(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Bernal Gaviria, María José; Botero García, Jesús AlonsoÍtem Informalidad en Girardota : una aproximación al problema público(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Murillo Agudelo, Juan David; Gutiérrez Martínez, José Alonso; Garay Molina, Natalia MaríaThe phenomenon of informality is growing in the context of Latin American economies, a dynamic to which Colombia and Antioquia are no strangers. Its importance is such that this research work investigates informality in the municipality of Girardota, department of Antioquia. In this sense, some of its most important causes and effects are established, which allows an approximate understanding of the complexity of this problem in this territory. Therefore, the main objective is to lay the foundations for the formulation of the public problem regarding the effects of informality on households in this municipality. To achieve this purpose, field work was carried out with four focus groups with people from the "Redes Solidarias" (Solidarity Networks) program in this locality., from which relevant information is extracted for the understanding of this problem, which in turn allows for an effective response to the phenomenon studied and makes it possible for people who carry out their economic activities informally to find instruments to formalise their productive projects.Ítem Labor cost market institutions and its consequences on dynamics and fluidity of the market(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Hernández García, Estefany; Dávalos Álvarez, Eleonora; Morales Zurita, Leonardo FabioÍtem Microseguro para contingencias que implican aislamiento(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Miranda García, Nathalia; Ramírez Bedoya, Juliana; Peña Higuavita, Germán AdolfoThe general objective of the present document is to present the design of the financial structure of a protection microinsurance in contingency situations that imply isolation, focused on impoverished population segments that are engaged in informal employment in Pereira. To achieve this, a systemic structure was proposed, that begins with a bibliographic review, characterization and diagnosis of the target population, then financial projections, sales statistics and average premiums was made, through Bayesian credibility as an instrument for establishing the premium. The initial diagnosis allowed to do a humanized x-ray of street vendors in Pereira, their financial dynamics and the pertinent market study for access to microinsurance, with elements of financial inclusion. Financial projections through Bayesian credibility theory adapted to the universe of microinsurance establishes alternative models for the identification of premiums, considering collective premiums as a unit of measurement and approach. Ultimately, the document shows that a pedagogical contribution is necessary for the introduction of families in the financial universe, for this reason it proposes an educational act in the sales process with the capacity to sustain and encourage itself in the post-sale process.Ítem La participación de la mujer en el mercado laboral rural durante la pandemia causada por el Covid-19 : el caso de Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Gongas Torres, Sofía; García Salgado, Valentina; Dávalos Álvarez, EleonoraÍtem Patrones de desplazamiento de los trabajadores informales ¿Qué tan centralizadas son las actividades informales?(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Agudelo Hoyos, Abner; García Cruz, Gustavo AdolfoÍtem The effect of a labor supply shock on factors productivity : the case of a venezuelan migration in Colombia(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Martínez Moya, Diego Armando; Muñoz Mora, Juan CarlosThis document analyses the potential effects of a labor supply shock (Venezuelan immigration) on factors productivity in Colombia. Using aggregate data on employment and output in the Colombian departments, we nd that under the 2014-2018 time period, Venezuelan immigration has signi cant effects on multi-factor productivity and other product-related variables in the Colombian departments. The empirical strategy used shows that the mechanism of transmission of the effect is the skill bias of Venezuelan immigrants.