Examinando por Materia "Derecho laboral"
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Ítem A qué precio, las negociaciones colectivas en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 1967) Acosta Tobón, Alberto; Universidad EAFITÍtem El problema laboral(Universidad EAFIT, 1967) Bernal, Miguel; Universidad del ValleÍtem El trabajo en la era digital : un reto al positivismo jurídico(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Latorre Méndez, Santiago; Zapata Pérez, Ana MaríaIn this work, a detailed study is proposed on the challenges about “digital job-generating platforms” in Colombia in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution. To this end, we review what they are about and how we can rate them. Secondly, we define the essential elements of the employment contract and their related regulatory framework. In the third place, we are presenting you some contracting modalities that are used in an alternative way in Colombia and we identified the new legal problems originated as a result of the digitization of work, in contrast to the bills that are being advanced and the national and international jurisprudence regarding the future of this kind of work.