Examinando por Materia "Derecho ambiental"
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Ítem Alcance y efectos de las excepciones generales ambientales en los tratados de protección a la inversión extranjera : el caso del TLC entre Colombia y Canadá(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Gómez Gómez, Valeria; Rojas Velásquez, Susana; Lorenzoni Escobar, LinaThe purpose of this investigation is to determine the consequences and scope of environmental general exceptions in International Investment Agreements. In this regard, this work uses international doctrine and the Colombia-Canada TLC as the main source of information to propose an interpretation of the environmental general exceptions clauses of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Colombia and Canada.Ítem Cambiar la cara a la minería : alternativa al modelo para hacer minería en Colombia con comunidades asentadas de manera informal. El caso de Morro Puto, Municipio de Nechí, Antioquia desde 2019 hasta 2021(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Pasqualotto Jiménez, Alejandra; Restrepo Rodríguez, Juan Pablo; Montoya Brand, Mario AlbertoÍtem Simbiosis en el manglar : ruta de gestión para una intervención en territorios anfibios(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Durán Vergara, Diana Isabel; Durango Sánchez, Carlos Alejandro; Harnish Valderrama, Carlos Joseph; Vélez Longas, DavidThis research reads the territory from the natural, social and urban components, with a trans- versal view from the legal point of view, finding a normative conflict that supposes a weigh- ting between the rights of the Punta las Vacas mangrove, as a fragile ecosystem of vital importance and the informal settlements on the part of the vulnerable groups of special constitutional protection that inhabit the mangroves in the amphibious neighborhoods Pescador 1 and 2 of the Distrito Portuario de Turbo. It is clear that the urban planning and management instruments must be aligned with environmental regulations as well as with the factual realities of the territory, which leads us to propose a strategy to generate concordance of national regulations with territorial ones, understanding that, to build Infrastructure means intervening in natural and social systems and must comply with existing legislation, regulations and procedures. The result is a Management Route that beco- mes a practical guide that comprehensively addresses sociocultural and environmental problems in informal urban settlements on specially protected ecosystems, which allows a balanced and harmonious intervention be- tween nature and the community.