Examinando por Materia "Deporte"
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Ítem Análisis al delito de suministro o formulación ilegal a deportistas del Código Penal Colombiano : antecedentes, análisis dogmático del tipo y bien jurídico protegido(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Llano Vallejo, Andrea; Cuartas Arroyave, Susana; Álvarez Álvarez, Juan CarlosÍtem Bienestar integral en deportistas de la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Correa Restrepo, Ernesto; Urrea Cuéllar, Ángela MaríaObjective: The present research has the goal of comprehending the relation between wellness and basketball in its formative process, in a club of Medellín city. Method: The semistructured interview was used as the method to gather the information. We will use the hermeneutic phenomenological method to analyze the information. Sample: Adolescence basketball players whose are playing in a club in Medellín city. Instrument: The semi-structured interview was used to recollect information about the variables (Physical well-being, psychological well-being, social well-being and sport practice).Ítem Camerinos cancha norte(Universidad EAFIT. Centro de Administración Documental, 1999)Vista exterior de camerinos cancha norte donde se visaualiza los arcos del techoÍtem Deporte y gobernanza comunitaria para la construcción de paz en municipios afectados por el conflicto armado en Colombia : el caso de Curumaní en el Departamento del Cesar, entre los años 2014 y 2018(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Mejía Restrepo, Beatriz Elena; Jaramillo González, María AdelaidaÍtem Diseño de una estrategia de negocio para el proyecto Club Deportivo Comunidad el Oso(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Martín Martín, Hernán Ricardo; Rivas Montoya, Luz MaríaUltimate Frisbee is a sport that is growing exponentially locally and globally. Currently there are no documented business models for this sport in base of its characteristics, so it is essential to identify and understand more thoroughly the model used by the clubs that practice this sport. For this work, the Comunidad El Oso will be taken as a case study, which is one of the most representative Clubs in Colombia with a history of 18 years in which they have been 6 times national champion and 2 times Pan American champion. We will carry out the study using various tools such as the business model canvas, the strategic clock, the decision cascade; to analyze the current model and create a new one that is aligned with the strategy.Ítem Influencia de la técnica “mindfulness” en los entrenamientos de deportistas que compiten en crossfit(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Vélez Bonells, Laura; Lemos, MariantoniaÍtem Wushu: from oriental martial art to western sport(Universidad EAFIT, 2013-01-15) Tenelanda Osorio, Laura Isabel; Universidad EAFIT