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Ítem Apertura comercial y distribución de los ingresos en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2015) Jaramillo Cuenca, Juan David; Gómez Cifuentes, Alfonso de JesúsÍtem ¿Cómo el cese al fuego en las negociaciones del proceso de paz con las FARC afectó la percepción de confianza hacia las instituciones de la población colombiana?(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) González González, Valeria; Moreno Botero, Catalina; Suárez Obando, Gabriel Jaime; Gómez Toro, CatalinaÍtem ¿Enfoque diferencial? una mirada a la niñez campesina desde las voces institucionales y comunitarias del municipio de el Santuario (Antioquia)(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Acevedo Ramírez, Gabriel Jaime; Berdugo Gil, Laura; Hillón Vega, Yulieth TeresaÍtem Impacto de la inclusión financiera en los indicadores de pobreza y desiguadad de ingresos en los departamentos de Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Mona Mejía, Dany Alexis; Restrepo Jaramillo, Juliana; Goda, ThomasThe indices of poverty and income inequality in Colombia have decreased between 2000 and 2019. A possible explanation for this reduction is the increase in financial inclusion of vulnerable households in the country, global case studies have shown that, depending on the socioeconomic and specific to the financial system conditions of each territory, financial inclusion can reduce inequality and poverty. The objective of this paper is to verify empirically if financial inclusion contributed to the reduction of inequality and poverty in the states of Colombia during the years 2009 and 2019. The obtained results indicate that the used measure of financial inclusion does not significantly affect poverty and inequality measures in Colombia. One potential explanation for this finding is that the most vulnerable households do not have access to a wide array of financial instruments; or that their access has not had the expected effect because they opt for consumer loans and become overindebted instead of increasing their savings and investment.Ítem La incidencia del gasto público en educación sobre la desigualdad: Un análisis departamental para Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Mejía Arango, Daniel; Astorquiza Bustos, Bilver AdriánÍtem Inclusión financiera e inversiones de impacto en Colombia para el desarrollo de la economía postcovid-19(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Rojas Fagua, Andrés Romario; Olarte Armenta, SergioThe purpose of this research was to investigate the participation of financial inclusion during the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in Colombia, where multiple changes occurred not only at social and environmental level, but also, with a greater impact, at the economic one. An analysis of financial inclusion methodologies in Colombia was implemented as a mechanism to mitigate the inequality gap generated by Covid-19. The research represents a study of the policies implemented by the national Government to improve financial education, the inclusion of women and financial sustainability through impact investments. In turn, the national government and the Colombian population can contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions by caring for the environment and supporting green economies. In short, financial inclusion and impact investments contribute to achieving economic growth and sustainable development.Ítem Mejores colegios en Colombia : efecto de las condiciones socioeconómicas sobre el desempeño escolar(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Arenas Alzate, Alejandro; Bohórquez Correa, SantiagoThis paper presents evidence on the effects of using socioeconomic status (SES) adjusted test scores on schools ranking. Adjusted scores are estimated from the residuals of a linear regression model using data from the Saber 11 exam for the 2014-2020 period. I found that the use of SES-adjusted test scores reduces the socioeconomic gap between schools ranking in the highest performance decile and those ranking below by 69%. This result emphasizes the importance of calculating measures that differentiate the effect of variables that are beyond school control. This paper also presents a data visualization tool that includes indicators on the relative performance of schools, the distribution of their students, and their progress over time based on both adjusted and unadjusted scores. Ultimately, this tool will allow all stakeholders to make decisions based on a broader and more accurate picture of educational quality.Ítem Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) N° 10 en materia de reducción de la desigualdad desde la perspectiva de políticas públicas en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Guzmán Mazo, María Yolanda; Toro Valencia, Jose AlbertoÍtem ¿Qué efecto tienen las remesas sobre la pobreza y la desigualdad? Evidencia para Colombia 2012-2019(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Fernández Londoño, Camilo; Goda, ThomasInternational remittances account for about 2,1% of Colombia's GDP. Even though they are so important in the national accounts, very little has been studied about their effects on poverty and inequality, which tend to be ambiguous in the literature. This study estimates the effect of remittances on both variables for the period 2012-2019, based on data from more than 1,8 million households from Colombia’s official statistics department (DANE). Poverty and inequality indicators were calculated for the observed income (with remittances), without remittances and for an estimated counterfactual income of the recipient households if no member of the household had migrated in the first place. This, was estimated with Heckman’s (1979) two-stage selection model. It was found that remittances, compared to the case without remittances, reduce poverty by -0,19 p.p., extreme poverty by -0,13 p.p. and have no effect on the Gini coefficient. However, when the counterfactual is included, remittances increase poverty by +0,06 p.p., extreme poverty by +0,05 p.p. and the Gini coefficient in +0,002 points. This effect not only is small but also opposite to most of the empirical literature, and raises the necessity for more studies on this topic, however, it concludes that the poorest recipient households would have higher average incomes if they had not migrated in the first place.Ítem Tasas de interés y desigualdad de ingresos, un estudio para Latinoamérica y el Caribe(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Ospina Mejía, Nicolás; Cárdenas Vargas, Kevin; Goda, Thomas