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Ítem El fútbol como herramienta para la transformación social en Colombia : análisis de la implementación de la política pública “Plan Decenal de Seguridad, Comodidad y Convivencia en Fútbol”, influencia de la coordinación de diversos niveles de gobierno y otros actores en el caso Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Buitrago Giraldo, Wilson Alirio; Ramos Villa, María Eugenia;42885629Football as a sport and as a social phenomenon has significant positive and negative potential. The Colombian Government has sought to regulate it through the creation of several rules and public policies, among which the most relevant is the Ten-Year Plan for Security and Coexistence in Football, since it seeks to serve as a framework for the others. The Ten-Year Plan, defines football as a tool of social transformation to promote social cohesion, coexistence and peace. Since its enactment in 2014, actions have been taken to implement the Ten-Year Plan; it is a public policy promoted from the central level but its effective implementation depends on the actions of local authorities, and takes relevance the concept of coordination, as harmonious and coherent action of the institutions at different levels for the achievement of a common goal. The objective of the investigation is to identify the influence of the coordination of the different levels of government and other actors in the implementation of the Ten-Year Plan for Safety, Comfort and Coexistence in Football 2014-2024 in Medellín. The conceptual axis is the coordination and implementation of public policies, through theoretical referents such as Luis Aguilar, Andrë-Noél Roth, Carlos Molina and Isabel Licha. A qualitative methodology is used for the collection and analysis of the data, through bibliographic review and conducting interviews with key informants.Ítem La responsabilidad civil derivada de la enseñanza y práctica de deportes extremos o de aventura(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Holguín López, Mariana; Gaviria Cardona, Alejandro