Examinando por Materia "Costo de Capital Ponderado"
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Ítem Valoración de la empresa Audifarma S.A. por el método del valor presente de los flujos de efectivo(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Uricoechea Bedoya, Jaime Eduardo; Giraldo Arcila, Sindy VivianaIn the present research work, a valuation of the company Audifarma S.A is made, by means of the value method present in the cash flows -- The company Audifarma has its existence and legal representation in Pereira, with a number of shares of 15,000,000 and a face value of $ 1,000 peso per share, it belongs to the wholesale trade sector, code ISIC G5135 -- To identify the value of the company, the financial statements published by the Superintendencia de Sociedades were used, according to the calculation of value inductors such as the Degree of Operating Leverage, Degree of Financial Leverage, Economic Value Added, among others -- The company is also valued based on the historical cash flows of the year 2011 to 2015, which are projected through the method of Ordinary Least Squares, to proceed to make the current value of the cash -- This is done not only in order to obtain the value of the company, but also the Internal Rate of Return -- To achieve the above procedure, it was necessary to determine the Weighted average Cost of Capital, through the betas methodology, proposed by Jorge Rosillo, to define the cost of equity, the cost of financing sources in percentage terms and the rate of tax, the methods of the authors Alberto García Nava and Ludgar Meling Paredes Hernández are taken as reference -- According to the results obtained in the research, it is evident that the traditional valuation methods, being static, do not determine the risk and the probability of certainty of the results