Examinando por Materia "Constitucionalismo latinoamericano"
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Ítem El reconocimiento de los derechos de la naturaleza en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano : análisis histórico-hermenéutico de la propuesta de considerar la naturaleza como sujeto derechos en Colombia y América Latina(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Ramírez Taborda, María Estefanía; Arango Duque, CamiloConsidering nature as a subject of rights is an emerging category that has been widely developed and researched during the last fifteen years in the Colombian and Latin American socio-legal context. Therefore, its analysis and understanding is considered essential to protect all forms of life in the current panorama of socio-environmental crisis worldwide. This monograph projects a socio-legal analysis with a historical-hermeneutical approach aimed at understanding the category of the rights of nature in the Colombian context, as well as its regulatory development through constitutional, environmental and the Special Jurisdiction For Peace jurisprudence; which propose new legal recognitions and rights for the benefit of nature, represented in rivers, moors, lagoons, animals, and all forms and systems of life, in the face of reflections on their current challenges, problems and perspectives in the Latin American legal context.