Examinando por Materia "Confianza"
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Ítem Acción colectiva para garantizar el derecho a la salud : estudio de caso Mesa Antioquia : “incidencia de la acción colectiva en la garantía del derecho fundamental a la salud en Antioquia 2015 a 2018”(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Manrique Hernández, John Jairo; Martínez Saldarriaga, Luis Alberto; López Lopera, Gloria EstellaThis paper aims to describe the relationship between effective collective action and public policies, based on identifying the processes promoted by the Mesa Antioquia collective, for the implementation of the Statutory Health Law 1751 of 2015, which establishes the mechanisms to guarantee The right to health in Colombia, however, this right is highly violated due, among other reasons, to the insufficient collective action processes of the different actors. This work is based on the theories that approach the conceptualization of social movements and the relationship between effective collective action, supported on trust, with public policies, especially with the fundamental right to health. It is a qualitative research, based on the case study that is a methodological tool for inquiry, empirical evidence was obtained from direct observation, review of documentary information, semi-structured interviews and the realization of a focus group.Ítem Análisis de las estrategias de comunicación institucional en los municipios de Rionegro, La Ceja y La Unión : un estudio y diagnóstico de sus concejos municipales(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Arango Cardona, Paula Andrea; Bedoya Cardona, Catalina María; Henao Londoño, Robinson; Restrepo Echavarría Néstor JuliánThe following research aims to analyze the incidence of citizen participation and trust in the corporations of the municipal councils of Rionegro, La Ceja and La Unión, taking into account the characteristics of each municipality and the importance of strengthening the relationship with citizens from the public institutions. This research presents a historical journey regarding the municipal councils in Colombia, and its updated functionality in three municipalities of Eastern Antioquia in which an analysis is carried out regarding the legitimacy and trust in these corporations. The municipal councils are legitimate according to the constitutional precepts and regulations from the law 136 of 1994; through the application of qualitative and quantitative tools, it is possible to find that these corporations recognize the loss of confidence in public institutions due to the triggering of factors such as acts of corruption in the Colombian scenario, in addition, an inalienable relationship is identified between the municipal councils, the public communication and citizen participation. It is expected from the research, carried out through surveys of citizens and interviews with council members, to propose an effective communication model for strengthening the relationship with people, which enhances the management of strategic information and communication processes of municipal councils, encourage participation, and legitimize them as an institution. It is a model that can be applied according to the contexts of each municipality, which will reduce the personification of politics and turn them into a more solid and reliable entity.Ítem Barú tierra de sentidos, festival para celebrar el ser y sentirse barulero, guía práctica(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) González Negrete, María Stephanie; Torres Chinchilla, Yenifer Victoria; Vargas Sáenz, Mario EnriqueÍtem Cómo crear un ambiente de control en las organizaciones(Universidad EAFIT, 2003) Mejía Quijano, Rubi Consuelo; Universidad EAFITÍtem ¿Cómo el cese al fuego en las negociaciones del proceso de paz con las FARC afectó la percepción de confianza hacia las instituciones de la población colombiana?(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) González González, Valeria; Moreno Botero, Catalina; Suárez Obando, Gabriel Jaime; Gómez Toro, CatalinaÍtem Confiando en la confianza Contra toda razón(Universidad EAFIT, 01/12/2007) Burkard Sievers; Universidad de WuppertalÍtem Los consejos territoriales de reincorporación : escenarios para la construcción de confianza.(2018) Caicedo Gallego, Paula Andrea; Vargas Sáenz, Mario EnriqueThe Territorial Councils of Reincorporation are one of the instances created in the Final Agreement for Peace in Colombia, to territorialize the reincorporation; they are made up of FARC members and government representatives -- The present work seeks to identify the factors that affect the construction of trust between the parties for the development of this scenario, through a case analysis of the Territorial Council of Reincorporation of Cauca, to provide recommendations to this instance and the 26 that currently exist in ColombiaÍtem Construcción de conocimiento organizacional en entornos de trabajo virtual(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Franco Giraldo, Liliana; Gentilin, MarianoÍtem Desplazados: más allá del riesgo económico(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Vélez Ramírez, Manuela; Canavire Bacarreza, Gustavo Javier; Martínez Correa, JimmyÍtem Economía del comportamiento, confianza y nudge : una revisión de literatura(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Zuluaga Mora, José Miguel; Silva Jaramillo, SantiagoÍtem El Concejo de Medellín : percepción vs cifras(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Rojas Álvarez, Julián Andrés; Monsalve Usuga, Héider Alexánder; Salazar Martínez, Carlos AndrésÍtem Fidelidad de los clientes con sus asesores : el reto en las empresas de servicios.(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Builes Toro, Carolina; Muñoz Molina, YaromirActually, insurance advisors are experts in knowledge of needs and solutions that a client, at certain times in its life, may require. Therefore, this research seeks to find those characteristics that make clients feel loyal to their advisors and have a long-term relationship, after the sale of the insurance; that is, in the after-sales. Besides, it seeks to define whether of these characteristics generate loyalty with the advisor, to the point of developing a positive experience in the client, which makes prefer him and stay with him, based on trust and satisfaction. The type of research chosen is qualitative and exploratory, which allows interview in-depth, people between the ages of 25 and 55, in stratum 3 to 6, and just in the city of Medellin and the Valley of Aburrá, preferably without kids. The results of this research, show that clients are increasingly demanding in terms of the relationship, their advisors, and require, not only empathy on their part to deal with them, from understanding and language, but also knowledge from the solutions of their needs and accompaniment in all moments of its life, whether they use the insurance or if they don´t have interactions with it.Ítem If others distance themselves: collective action, trust and social norms for mutual caring in times of COVID-19(Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12) Chinkousky, María Antonia; Pérez, Ricardo; Silva Jaramillo, Santiago; Universidad EAFIT; Universidad EAFIT; Universidad EAFITThis article reviews the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic through the light of social norms and prosociality. For this, the authors briefly approach the snowball methodology to analyse a series of experiences and interventions of both public and private actors that encouraged prosocial behaviour to avoid massive infections in the population in 2020, or the earliest stage if the pandemic. The results of this studies are shown as recommendations for policy makers and others interested in applying this type of tools for public health crises. The article ends compiling the insights of past cases, adding the authors own thoughts over the information that was found.Ítem Knowledge Management in the Age of Unreliable Messages. Do University Students Trust Online Messages? (A Survey from the Middle East)(Universidad EAFIT, 2021-11-28) Sabbar Shaho; Abdollahinezhad, Alireza; Heidari, Ako; Mohammadi, Fatemeh; Universidad de Teherán en Teherán, Irán; Universidad Allameh Tabataba'i; Universidad George Mason; Universidad Allameh Tabataba'iWe are exposed to a constant stream of messages many of which originate from unreliable or untrustworthy sources. Moreover, it is not possible to control the messages before they are published and allow the dissemination of the verified ones only. Growing a critical mind can be a practical way to prevent the accumulation of incorrect or inaccurate information in our brains. The current study tried to see whether or not university students hold a critical view of social media messages. First, in a qualitative study, hundreds of messages shared on social media were observed, 12 of which were chosen based on the popularity of their central themes. Many of the messages contained an extraordinary claim such as the existence of mermaids, human-like complex emotions in animals, etc. Then, in a survey, the chosen messages were shown to 379 university students. The respondents were asked to express their opinions about the messages. For each of the 12 messages, between 36 to 94 percent of the respondents just assumed the messages to be true. The analysis of the responses revealed weak critical thinking among the students.Ítem Marketing de contenidos para fidelizar el público de independientes de Comfama en Medellín(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Cañas Arango, Carolina María; Castaño Toro, Perla CeciliaThrough this work it was sought to propose content marketing strategies to retain the independent public of Comfama in Medellín, through communications and formats that would establish a connection with users as well as strengthen long-term relationships was . For this reason, it was important to delve into issues such as services and the importance of having the consumer at the center of the strategy, marketing of services that allows the interactions and contact points with users to be mapped, loyalty where strategies are generated that seek to strengthen the relationship with customers generating greater engagement, content marketing where it is sought through valuable information to reach users with the necessary content according to their segmentation and predominant characteristics. To achieve the objective, qualitative methodologies were used such as in-depth surveys that allowed identifying demographic characteristics, finding preferences and tastes of the independent having a greater affinity with formats such as video and images; furthermore, a high use and acceptance of social networks, media that they enable communication and allow establishing a two-way relationship with users. It was also evidenced that currently users are willing to receive information, the great challenge is to maintain constant communication with them, allowing them to arrive with topics, formats and media of their choice, in order to generate greater engagement and strengthen the relationship in the long-term.Ítem Modelo conceptual de confianza para el intercambio de conocimiento organizacional en grupos de trabajo de desarrollo de software(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Gómez López, José Manuel; Uribe Correa, BeatrizThis research suggests a conceptual model structure of trust that able to software development organizations, enhance trust environments inside development team to the knowledge sharing between developers stream naturally and without conditions. This model was structure by interviews semi-structures been with software developers that works inside software development organizations in Medellin city from Colombia. As a result, it was achieved identify the concepts of leadership, communication and socialization like are base elements of this model and in turn, like to enablers trust environments to organizational knowledge sharing inside software development teams.Ítem ¿Puede la empatía reducir las percepciones negativas sobre el contrario político? : intervención comportamental tipo nudge para mitigar la deshumanización política en el contexto actual colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Orrego López, Mónica María; Trujillo Urrea, Juan PabloÍtem Redes empresariales de los Adventistas del Séptimo Día en Medellín : un estudio de caso.(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Mendoza Gutiérrez, Kevin David; Ramírez Agudelo, Mauricio;71689458Ítem Relación entre confianza e intercambio de conocimiento(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Cardona Gómez, Luz Estela; Espinosa Suescún, Ana María; Franco Ruiz, CamiloÍtem La salud tiene arreglo : las reglas informales y su uso en un ambiente hospitalario : aproximación a su comprensión desde el institucionalismo(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Guarín Alzate, Gabriel Jaime; Eslava Gómez, Adolfo